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Another Jerusalem Temple Mount UFO

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Skilled Investigator
Here is another Temple Mount UFO video, dated March 2011. Daylight this time.

I don't know. I'd have to say it would be pretty hard to dismiss as a fake, but then I have not done any or seen any analysis of the video.
I saw that one on the day it was released, i have my doubts for a number of reasons,
Its daylight, the dome area would have been crawling with tourists with camera's
Also they both shout, as happens in every video..... i find that odd especially since only the guy with the camera on zoom would have seen the flash up close, the female would have i assume a long range view.
The full version of the last one eligael released is also very very odd, a number of people have commented that the monk appears to be eligael himself, and comparing the photo in his account with the monks, im inclined to agree
Mike, you bring up good points, however I find the reactions of the observers plausible. The shout seems due to the flashes, which would be visible to the naked eye. It is not surprising the witnesses are startled.
Also, there is a very interesting detail at ~0:48 sec, near the end of the video. Note the thundering sound. It occurs about 0.5-1.0 sec after the brightest flashes. Very roughly, this corresponds to a distance of 170-340 m from the camera.This seems a little close, but I'm guess-timating the time delay.
Regarding tourists and other witnesses, I don't know; there may indeed be other pictures/videos out there.
As for that very strange 'close up of UFO' video Eligael released; remember, he never claimed any association with it. Purportedly, it was given to him anonymously. I find Eligael's initial hesitation in releasing the full video a plausible reaction on his part too. From his statements, he seems pretty freaked out by this whole experience. IMHO the 'UFO' in the video is almost definitely CGI, and that 'monk' is laughable. I think that video should simply be discarded from the data set, along with the other fakes.
Also, don't forget the 'Brazil UFO' daytime video from a little while back, depicting very similar elements and behaviour of the UFO involved. Similar flashes.
Like I've mentioned before, taken together, all of this requires, literally, a worldwide conspiracy to be hoaxed. As well, in my opinion, some very sophisticated CGI effects that are as good as, or better than, feature movie quality.
If that monk is eligael, then his claim of not being associated with the footage is a lie.
And while its plausible that every single witness would go "whoa" when it flashes......
something just doesnt seem right to me about that, i would have expected stunned silence in at least one example.

At first i thought this was a genuine event, but as time passes im becoming more convinced its a hoax.

This daylight craft appears to be physically larger than the light craft of the originals , so we have two events one in the night one in the day.
And to my mind the daylight event should have had dozens of witness's , a real stop the press event.

I would love for this footage to be genuine, i really would. but my gut feeling now is that something fishy is going down here
This daylight craft appears to be physically larger than the light craft of the originals , so we have two events one in the night one in the day. And to my mind the daylight event should have had dozens of witness's , a real stop the press event. I would love for this footage to be genuine, i really would. but my gut feeling now is that something fishy is going down here
It's difficult to estimate sizes just based on viewing videos, but I'd say the UFO objects are roughly same size or a bit bigger in the daylight video. Again, I'm not that surprised of the situation regarding witnesses. I think for a lot of people actively seeking publicity by claiming they've just witnessed UFO events, especially in the vicinity of religious sites, is the last thing on their mind. If past history is to go by, UFO events like these have been occuring regularly, and yet none of them were 'stopped the press events' and neither is this event likely to do so. I think the main difference for present-day is the very common availability of portable high-quality video recording equipment and a very popular common-access-point like YouTube.
I agree there are some questionable characters and people associated with these videos; as you would say 'fishy'. But I found a lot of very questionable and sometimes hysterical arguments on the debunking side also. If this is a hoax-conspiracy, time will tell. Sooner or later they always fall apart.
According to this vid the dome is visable to the entire city of jerusalem

You can see tourists in this vid, what i find odd about the daylight case, is not one tourist onsite reported it
indeed in the preview you can see what appears to be a man taking a photo of his family in front of the building

One would expect if a solid silver disk bigger than the dome itself was hovering over a point visable to the entire city, there would be more witness's than those on a lookout miles away.

I can rationalise the lack of witness's in the first vids since it was 1 in the morning and Shabbat, a time when the city would be deserted for both those reasons, even driving a car is a no no during Shabbat unless its to take a very ill person to hospital.

But in broad daylight in an area thats usually crawling with tourists and is visble to the entire city ?

It would be akin to a UFO parking itself over the empire state building and only one person seeing it.
I looked at the video in more detail. Lighting appears correct. Note the dome is lit up during the flash at 0:48 sec. Both the golden dome and building are lit. Difficult effect (though not impossible) to fake. Camera follows UFO after the flashes and it is briefly visible in upper right of screen. Note expected conclusion in a hoax scenario would have UFO shoot straight up, or vanish.
Standard hoaxing would also have lack of sound, since 'UFO's are supposed to be silent'. The 'UFO object' does indeed appear larger and quite different than the object in Eligael's video. I would expect hoaxers to stick to their one UFO model.
Ground-level witness behavioural arguments may initally seem contradicting events as depicted in this video, but there are a lot of unknowns trying to use this argument.
I agree that one cannot rule out hoaxing for this video, but technically I do not see signs of a hoax.
Again this thing is bigger than the dome itself, there should be a half dozen photo's/videos from the site itself, no one is going to miss something that large, even if no one took photos, eyewitness testimony should have been all over the front page of the local papers.