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Another show suggestion: Joseph P. Farrell and/or Nick Cook on the Nazi bell

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Skilled Investigator
I have another show suggestion: Joseph P. Farrell and/or Nick Cook on the Nazi "bell" story.

This is a weird one. For a primer, listen to Joseph P. Farrell on Radio Misterioso:

Program Information - Radio Misterioso: Nazi Flying Saucers with Joseph Farrell|A-Infos Radio Project

Like I said, it's weird, but really interesting.

If it were only coming from Farrell I might consider it just some interesting sci-fi. Some of his physics sounds a bit like sci-fi technobabble, so I'd like to maybe hear him get asked some deeper and more probing questions on that. I also googled him and found that he's written some books in the past that seem... umm... silly. I'm thinking of the "Giza Death Star" stuff that comes up. So I'd like to hear Farrell get the skeptic treatment a little. :)

But Farrell mentions some interesting stuff, including some really fascinating historical information. Just because the messenger might be a little questionable does not necessarily mean the message is entirely bunk. (I agree with Greg Bishop on this.) Maybe Farrell is a "sci-fi historical fact-ion" writer who nevertheless got inspired by something that has some basis in reality. Good historical fact-ion usually does, since that's part of the appeal... the more real basis, the better...

I know that the "Nazi bell" story has other sources. I seem to recall Nick Cook, who is more credible, talking about it.

I also know that the whole "Nazi flying saucer" idea is yet another of the ideas that hangs out on the fringes of the UFO world. I'd love to hear Gene and Dave take it apart a little.


I've done some of my own thinking on it, and I think you can actually class it as yet another hypothesis for what UFOs are.

There are many such hypotheses. You might list them and give them acronyms like:

  • The ETH: The ExtraTerrestrial Hypothesis
    The TDH: The TransDimensional Hypothesis
    The CTH: The CryptoTerrestrial Hypothesis
    The MHH: The Military Hardware Hypothesis
    ... and so on ...

So maybe this one could be called the PPH: The ParaPolitical Hypothesis. The PPH might be seen as a counterpart to the CTH, and goes far beyond the conventional MHH. The PPH would be the hypothesis that there are two parallel human civilizations on this planet: an above-board "public" civilization and a secret one. Think CTH except no species barrier.

Weird, but worth thinking about. :)
I agree. He would be a good guest to have. From what I've read and listened to the Nazi were working on 'flying saucers'. There was a History channel show where they recreated the Nazi Flying Wing or the first Stealth fighter decades before we even deployed one.
The guy has a PhD from Oxford in Patristics, which is 'the study of early Christian writers.' He's buddies with Richard Hoagland of Mars Face/Moon Domes fame. His main schtick is that the Nazis were not all that defeated after WWII and are still involved in a world-wide conspiracy. He claims that the Nazis DID build the bomb and used it against the Russians, that the Nazis had advanced inter-dimensional physics working, and that Martin Boremann, among many other Nazis, lived in Argentina, loaned vast hordes of money to the western banking system, and are responsible for the financial issues in the world today.

I don't know what he would say about the fact that Boremann's skull was found in Berlin and positively identified through DNA samples connected to his son. that's probably another conspiracy.
The guy has a PhD from Oxford in Patristics, which is 'the study of early Christian writers.' He's buddies with Richard Hoagland of Mars Face/Moon Domes fame. His main schtick is that the Nazis were not all that defeated after WWII and are still involved in a world-wide conspiracy. He claims that the Nazis DID build the bomb and used it against the Russians, that the Nazis had advanced inter-dimensional physics working, and that Martin Boremann, among many other Nazis, lived in Argentina, loaned vast hordes of money to the western banking system, and are responsible for the financial issues in the world today.

I don't know what he would say about the fact that Boremann's skull was found in Berlin and positively identified through DNA samples connected to his son. that's probably another conspiracy.

Sounds perfectly reasonable. :p
I've heard Farrell several times on other shows and I agree he's worth hearing. As Schuyler says, he has a background in theology. He has done a lot of research with ancient texts which led to his Giza Death Star series. In spite of the ridiculous name, it seems like a fairly reasonable interpretation of the texts as descriptions of a long-ago war between technological societies. You may find his conclusions a little far-fetched, but he's not just making the stuff up. Or if he is, he's done a lot of research and given it a lot of thought. For me, he's gray basket and worth a listen.
Dont know about Farrell, but Nick Cook would make a great episode. Not sure if he is actively doing interviews though.
Ahhh such young people :D.

If you search the forums, young paddywagons, I have posted several posts over many millions of years regarding Dr Farrell, and suggested many trillions of times that he would be a great guest on the Paracast (well something like that anyway :D).

Also, I've heard Dr Farrell interviewed by a number of people on a number of differing programs of differing quality over many eons :D ... but ... and here's the rub ... not to any great depth (except for the Radio Misterioso interview, of course). Several years ago, I even emailed Tim Binnall and suggested the good Dr as a guest. Knowing now how Binall's "interviews" come out, I think I escaped a "wow-awesome-wow" etc interview-fest there.

Regardless of any of this etc, David B. recently mentioned that Dr Farrell will not be appearing on the Paracast any time soon since he recently did an interview with ... get your crosses out please, ladies and gentlemen ... Project Camelot :eek:. Yes I also regard PC as being extremely hideous but in my opinion this is throwing the baby out with the very nasty and oleaginous bath water.

Saying this, I don't completely agree with everything Dr Farrell espouses about a number of things either. I have trouble with the Giza Death Star and Nazi Internationale stuff but think his analysis of what happened at the end of WW2 and what the Germans were playing around with before and during WW2 to be extremely interesting at least, and may help to put some of the pieces of the ufo jigsaw puzzle together.

Anyway up, whatever the case etc, the Paracast gods have spoken ... and unless this has changed since then, as I have said, Dr Farrell won't be appearing on the Paracast in the near future, at least.

Nick Cook though as far as I know has never done any interviews on any known programs except for C2C ... and that was in 2005.

You would think he would be excellent and important guest for any discerning program that ponders the ufo problem/reality. Strange that only C2C has bothered interviewing him to any length (if I'm wrong in this belief and anything else, please let me know).

So again I second Nick Cook as a guest on the Paracast, and dream of one day seeing a round table of Nick Cook, Joseph Farrell, and Igor Witkowski on the Paracast. One can dream of course ... now where did I put my narco-lounger ...