Agreed. Maybe we should agree to disagree on this issue.
Here are a few comments on Warren Meyer.
Goldwater State: A few words about Warren Meyer's bona fides.
Nice blogspot blog. I've got one, too. It does not address the issues as I see it. If you'll watch his video, he says right up front that he is as qualified to speak on climate issues as Al Gore. Al Gore's movie, by the way, is not allowed to be shown in Great Britain classrooms without a 30+ page rebuttal showing his many mistakes.
Now. The deal is that I have listened to climate change propaganda for a decade. I've been fed this stuff in newspapers, magazines, classrooms, and on the Net. I've been told continuously that the 'science is settled.' In an environment where we're also told never to trust the government, never to trust the establishment, never to trust authority on THIS subject, and THIS subject only I'm supposed to believe this hook, line, and sinker. Now I'm not 'courteous' if I don't submit to another round of propaganda on a subject I'm up to the eyeballs in. I've already got the litany memorized, okay? I've heard it all before. On ANY other subject we're all so quick to make up another 'conspiracy' where we are all being manipulated by the CIA, the NWO, the Bilderbergers, the Tri-Lateral Commission, or even Bohemian Grove, but on THIS subject we all just meekly roll over and play dead. WHY aren't you as skeptical about THIS as you are with everything else under the sun?
The thing is, I didn't just go watch a movie, get scared shitless, and then run around saying we're all gonna die. I looked into this. I downloaded and pored through the Climategate emails AND computer code. I looked at the graphs and saw how they were manipulated with 'adjustments.' I saw how the Medieval Warming Period, when it was hotter than it is now by far, just sort of disappeared because it was inconvenient to the cause. Same with the Roman Warming Period, which was even hotter. That's when Greenland was green instead of an ice sheet and grapes grew in Scotland.
Then I bounced this data off my own knowledge of paleo anthropology and Geology, recognizing that we are still coming off an Ice Age that blanketed North America and Europe with ice sheets a mile thick. And I've gone all over this the LAST time this came up. Just go look at the last thread and look at all the charts and graphs and data I provided. So here are my conclusions.
1. People blaming America for this suck (including Americans). Go to Hell.
2. the data has been MANIPULATED to show greater warming than has happened. Most all the warming is in the manipulations--not the data.
3. Warming is actually good. CO2 is a fertilizer. Cooling is bad. An ice sheet will cover Ireland--again.
4. The science is NOT settled. THOUSANDS of scientists disagree.
5. This whole thing is being crammed down our throats and too many of us like it.