Without getting into personalities, my sense is that most paranormal podcasts fall into one of three categories:
1. The "Gee Whizzers" These show have hosts who are often (but not always) new to the phenomena and don't know too much about it. They tend to be awed by just about anything. their most hard-hitting response to anything an interviewee says is, "Oh, wow!!" Coast to Coast is the most obvious (and most oft picked on) example of this kind of show. There are several others.
2. The "Yuck-Yuckers" These shows take on the approach of "Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers" who spend a lot of time yucking it up with each other pretending they are funny when, alas, no one thinks they really are. An example of this would be ATS. These guys actually think they are funny! The difference is that with Click and Clack, you can actually learn something about cars.
3. The "I'm So Coolers" These shows are all about ME. They tend to have hosts who are very self-absorbed and figure we all really want them to talk with themselves for an hour rather than interview a guest. These are the shows where you think, "I'll never get that hour back." and you wonder why in tarnation you allowed yourself to listen to it at all.
All shows have their moments of insight, and all shows occasionally lapse into one of the three categories above, if only for a brief period of time. And all shows, including the Paracast, will wind up with a stinker once in awhile. Think of the pressure shows are under to do a weekly show, week after week. It's gotta be tough. besides, stinkers can be 'good' in an odd sort of way.
The bottom line is that probably the only show that is commercially successful is Coast to Coast. Since we don't like commercial successes (unless it is ourselves) we see CtoC as particularly egregious because it is, like, full of shit. I don't think any of the others make any money, so they have to be labors of love.
Personally, I don't have more than two hours a week devoted to paying attention to what comes out of a speaker, so The Paracast it is.