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Anybody see something tonight at around 6:30pm in N.J.?

Free episodes:

Creepy Green Light

Paranormal Adept
So I'm in my car with my mom and two daughters going to my kids school to a PTA/awards meeting. I'm right in front of the school and I notice the strangest light pattern in the sky. It was odd enough that it made me pull over on the shoulder of the road and I pointed it out to my family. I said see these other jets/airplanes? See how their anti-collision lights look? Now what is that out there? And there was white lights but they were blinking 100% on and then 100% off in about 1 second intervals. ON/OFF - ON/OFF etc.

I do not claim to be any expert or authority on lights in the sky, but it's probably worth to note that I logged about 2000 hours as an aircrewman in the U.S. Navy and after the Navy I learned to fly airplanes privately. What I saw tonight was something I haven't seen.

Weather was 100% clear sky today & tonight. This was in central NJ - Ocean County area. I'm going to see if I can find anything online about anybody else seeing what I saw.
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So I'm in my car with my mom and two daughters going to my kids school to a PTA/awards meeting. I'm right in front of the school and I notice the strangest light pattern in the sky. It was odd enough that it made me pull over on the shoulder of the road and I pointed it out to my family. I said see these other jets/airplanes? See how their anti-collision lights look? Now what is that out there? And there was white lights but they were blinking 100% on and then 100% off in about 1 second intervals. ON/OFF - ON/OFF etc.

I do not to be any expert or authority on lights in the sky, but it's probably worth to note that I logged about 2000 hours as an aircrewman in the U.S. Navy and after the Navy I learned to fly airplanes privately. What I saw tonight was something I haven't seen.

Weather was 100% clear sky today & tonight. This was in central NJ - Ocean County area. I'm going to see if I can find anything online about anybody else seeing what I saw.

Probably not what you saw, but here's a couple of bit's and pieces of interest:

Satellite Re-Entry witnessed from Northern United States | Re-Entry

"The NFIRE Near Field Infrared Experiment satellite of the Missile Defence Agency re-entered the atmosphere on Wednesday after eight and a half years in orbit to complete a demonstration mission of sensing equipment for the detection of thermal signatures of ascending ballistic missiles and the differentiation between the missile’s plume and the rocket itself.

The Re-Entry of the 380-Kilogram satellite was seen from the Northern Continental United States with several reports coming from observers Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin who saw a fast-moving object streaking across the sky and breaking apart." SOURCE:

Watch a 2,300 kg piece of space junk collide with Earth

"Right now, a piece of space junk named WT1190F is on a suicidal collision path toward Earth. It is scheduled to re-enter our atmosphere next Saturday, November 14 at 6:20am AEDT (2:20pm Friday EST and 7:20pm Friday UTC) over the Indian Ocean, about 100 km off the coast of Sri Lanka."
On a related note: I've seen some rather odd aircraft lights recently too. One was so odd I sent a report to a UFO reporting center. It had super bright flashing red, white, blue lights, and I mean really bright, brighter than any aircraft lights I've ever seen ( and I've seen a lot of planes ). Also tonight while going to get some groceries, a very large passenger jet flew over in the dusk sky at about 2800 feet. It was a beautiful sight as it seemed to sail, almost like it was floating, through the clear cold indigo sky toward the last glow of the Sun behind the mountains. I thought it was a bit odd that instead of the usual red and green markers, it only had two small white wingtip lights on, and the red center belly marker. But it was definitely a plane. It's engines could be heard faintly, barely stressing, the turbines spinning perfectly. No vapor or chemtrail. Just a wonder of modern engineering.
Probably not what you saw, but here's a couple of bit's and pieces of interest:

Satellite Re-Entry witnessed from Northern United States | Re-Entry

"The NFIRE Near Field Infrared Experiment satellite of the Missile Defence Agency re-entered the atmosphere on Wednesday after eight and a half years in orbit to complete a demonstration mission of sensing equipment for the detection of thermal signatures of ascending ballistic missiles and the differentiation between the missile’s plume and the rocket itself.

The Re-Entry of the 380-Kilogram satellite was seen from the Northern Continental United States with several reports coming from observers Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin who saw a fast-moving object streaking across the sky and breaking apart." SOURCE:

Watch a 2,300 kg piece of space junk collide with Earth

"Right now, a piece of space junk named WT1190F is on a suicidal collision path toward Earth. It is scheduled to re-enter our atmosphere next Saturday, November 14 at 6:20am AEDT (2:20pm Friday EST and 7:20pm Friday UTC) over the Indian Ocean, about 100 km off the coast of Sri Lanka."
On a related note: I've seen some rather odd aircraft lights recently too. One was so odd I sent a report to a UFO reporting center. It had super bright flashing red, white, blue lights, and I mean really bright, brighter than any aircraft lights I've ever seen ( and I've seen a lot of planes ). Also tonight while going to get some groceries, a very large passenger jet flew over in the dusk sky at about 2800 feet. It was a beautiful sight as it seemed to sail, almost like it was floating, through the clear cold indigo sky toward the last glow of the Sun behind the mountains. I thought it was a bit odd that instead of the usual red and green markers, it only had two small white wingtip lights on, and the red center belly marker. But it was definitely a plane. It's engines could be heard faintly, barely stressing, the turbines spinning perfectly. No vapor or chemtrail. Just a wonder of modern engineering.
Interesting, I had not heard of that. Thank you.

What I saw though was about the height of the other air traffic in the area. Had lots of bright white lights. Didn't see the red & green anti collision lights on each wing nor a constant white light. They would all come on and all go off at once in the strangest interval. Like I said, it was weird enough that I pulled over and pointed it out to my mother and two daughters. Once I was in my kids school I told them "I'll be right back" and I went outside on the front lawn of the school to see if I could still see it. No joy :(
Interesting, I had not heard of that. Thank you.

What I saw though was about the height of the other air traffic in the area. Had lots of bright white lights. Didn't see the red & green anti collision lights on each wing nor a constant white light. They would all come on and all go off at once in the strangest interval. Like I said, it was weird enough that I pulled over and pointed it out to my mother and two daughters. Once I was in my kids school I told them "I'll be right back" and I went outside on the front lawn of the school to see if I could still see it. No joy :(

Interesting. There are some oddly illuminated aircraft out there, and I could see how some people could mistake them as UFOs ( alien craft ), and end up in a UFO report. Seeing weird aircraft is cool because you can say to the skeptics that you've seen them, and they simply don't perform like UFOs. Aircraft are still just aircraft. No matter how they are illuminated, they behave in predictable ways that conform to the principles of aerodynamics.
Interesting. There are some oddly illuminated aircraft out there, and I could see how some people could mistake them as UFOs ( alien craft ), and end up in a UFO report. Seeing weird aircraft is cool because you can say to the skeptics that you've seen them, and they simply don't perform like UFOs. Aircraft are still just aircraft. No matter how they are illuminated, they behave in predictable ways that conform to the principles of aerodynamics.
An interesting side note; as I went on the front lawn of the school, a low flying (probably around 800 ft) KC 135 flew directly overhead (going to McGuire AFB). The way it was illuminated from underneath made the structure look similar to a Klingon ship. As I was watching it I said to myself "I wonder how many people will look at this and say 'what the heck is that'?" The actual structure of the craft blended in with the black sky and the lights illuminated the rest of the craft in a weird way. I could clearly hear the engines and also see the red and green lights on the wingtips. Still looked weird though.
An interesting side note; as I went on the front lawn of the school, a low flying (probably around 800 ft) KC 135 flew directly overhead (going to McGuire AFB). The way it was illuminated from underneath made the structure look similar to a Klingon ship. As I was watching it I said to myself "I wonder how many people will look at this and say 'what the heck is that'?" The actual structure of the craft blended in with the black sky and the lights illuminated the rest of the craft in a weird way. I could clearly hear the engines and also see the red and green lights on the wingtips. Still looked weird though.
If you saw a KC 135, maybe what you saw with the lights was a refueling operation going on. If I recall correctly, they've been misreported as UFOs before.

Refueling Missions

Here lights on the tanker and the multiple aircraft engaged add new visual characteristics. Sightings are at night only; daylight operations would be recognized for what they are. They may be at low or high altitude. Multiple lights will be moving around, in formation, going on and off. The basic light formation will fly straight for a set distance, then may make a 180-degree turn. Duration in an area may run as high as 15 minutes, but any single pass should not last more than four or five. Lights may be seen going one way and then appear on their return path later. The 922 Air Refueling Squadron at Wright-Patterson furnishes information on the visual characteristics of night refueling operations, and SAC recently photographed a refueling mission for the benefit of UFO analysts.

Refueling operations are controlled and conducted in specific areas. A "Flight Planning Guide" issued by the Aeronautic Chart and Information Center gives the location of these areas and the agency controlling each. A phone call to the controller will determine whether an area was in use at a particular time and what squadron flew the mission. Then communication with the squadron will give the number and type of aircraft flown and their entry and exit times.

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If you saw a KC 135, maybe what you saw with the lights was a refueling operation going on. If I recall correctly, they've been misreported as UFOs before.

Refueling Missions

Here lights on the tanker and the multiple aircraft engaged add new visual characteristics. Sightings are at night only; daylight operations would be recognized for what they are. They may be at low or high altitude. Multiple lights will be moving around, in formation, going on and off. The basic light formation will fly straight for a set distance, then may make a 180-degree turn. Duration in an area may run as high as 15 minutes, but any single pass should not last more than four or five. Lights may be seen going one way and then appear on their return path later. The 922 Air Refueling Squadron at Wright-Patterson furnishes information on the visual characteristics of night refueling operations, and SAC recently photographed a refueling mission for the benefit of UFO analysts.

Refueling operations are controlled and conducted in specific areas. A "Flight Planning Guide" issued by the Aeronautic Chart and Information Center gives the location of these areas and the agency controlling each. A phone call to the controller will determine whether an area was in use at a particular time and what squadron flew the mission. Then communication with the squadron will give the number and type of aircraft flown and their entry and exit times.

Who knows? It's possible. At the time though, the anomaly was approx 5 miles south of my position. When I came back onto the front lawn of the school the KC-135 was coming from the east and was directly on top of my head. There is a lot of air activity from McGuire AFB. I know all in all the object I saw was 99% chance a terrestrial object. But I swear I never saw a light pattern like that on any aircraft before.
vesvehighfolk, here's what that is - another video. The guy says it looked like a crop duster but that was just a guess.


TEXT: "Published on Nov 7, 2015: Hey guys, so we were just randomly up on the target parking structure shooting some night footage, timelapses etc. for the vlog and as we were literally walking back to the car Jason pointed out this ufo that wasn't anything but a suspicious orange looking light moving fast..I was able to begin recording right then and there, and as you can see in the video, it turns into something that releases some sort of giant blue light in a circular haze.. It was easily the craziest thing I've witnessed. I rushed home to upload this..comment below what you think or have heard it might be..skip to 1:19 to see to when the UFO releases a giant light."
Explanation: Trident II (D-5) missile from a navy test flight at sea.

Light from Navy test fire courses across the Southern California and Arizona sky
Light from Navy test fire courses across the Southern California and Arizona sky
TEXT: "A naval test fire off the Southern California coast created a light that coursed across the sky shortly after dusk on Saturday, authorities said. Navy Strategic Systems Programs conducted a Trident II (D5) missile test flight at sea from the Kentucky, an Ohio class submarine, in the Pacific Test Range off the coast of Southern California, according to a statement from the Pentagon.

"The tests, first reported by the San Diego Union-Tribune, were part of a scheduled, ongoing system evaluation, a Pentagon spokesman told The Times. Launches are conducted on a frequent, recurring basis to ensure the continued reliability of the system, the spokesman said. Each test activity provides valuable information about the Navy's systems, the spokesman said.

"The missile was not armed, and information about it was classified prior to the launch."
I remember back in the mid 90s When Vandenberg was being used a lot for launches for what was to become the Iridium constellation of satellites, a number of them seemed to occur near sunset and while I have no doubt these launches were timed for logistical purposes I imagined that they were done to give us a treat because when those spent gases bloomed out in the upper atmosphere with a setting sun I don't think I ever saw a more spectacular sight.