hi all, just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience to me? about five years ago returning home (Nottingham-UK) one evening on foot, i saw a very large object moving extremely slowly above my house, i can only describe it as cuboid in shape, it seemed to be made from bricks but had various bits sticking out of it (imagine trying to make an egg shape out of lego and you have some idea) it was a similar colour to the sky, which was reddish as it was evening, there were no lights that i recall and if i had to guess the size i would say it was at least the size of a football pitch but very probably bigger. I glanced up at it for a few seconds carried on into the house, went upstairs to my bedroom and sat on the bed for maybe an hour or two. this may sound like an odd thing to have done but from the moment i saw it i had an overwhelming feeling that i had seen something i wasnt supposed to and not only this, it had also seen me. I was frankly in a state of shock and had a general feeling of denial which still continues today. As soon as i came to my senses i switched on the radio to tune into a local news channel, turned on the tv and scoured the internet for any reports (of which there were none) i was however unable to leave the house or call anyone as i "knew" i shouldnt. It has taken a few years for me to get over this feeling, at least long enough for me to half convince myself that it was all a dream. I am a creative person (music/art) by nature so it is not beyond reason that i could have imagined it.