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April 5th show

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Paranormal Novice
Another great show guys and once again the quality of your guests is amazing.
I am a 53yr old married welder and i listen to your podcasts every monday morning while welding in a factory as well as other pods on various topics but thats enough about me.
While listening this week to Dr Richard F Haines a few thoughts occured to me .........
1: Are any markings seen by pilots on these craft or any fins?.
2: When these objects are flying next to the planes are they flying straight and narrow or do they vary up and down simaler to fighter jets when flying slower .( i think i have explained it right)
3: When these objects speed away are there any heat signitures like a heat haze from a jet engine.
I know in the show you asked was there any turbulance.

All the best guys keep up the good work ,
from a fan from across the pond,
djf (Dave Farley )

Just a quick message to the angry uman in England here the bloody goverment dont miss a trick and are charging a fee to download the mod files.
I had a question regarding something David brought up in that episode.

David asked if the things emmited and kind of wake which might cause turbulence. What I was wondering was if these UAPs emitted any kind of exhaust which may get sucked into the turbines and cause an engine stall due to an inproper air fuel mixture due to particulate CO matter being sucked into the turbines.

I'm trying to find the video clip I saw on destroyed in seconds that showed two hover capable planes performing maneuvers. The one plane ended up sucking in the emissions from the other and it caused the engine to stall and the plane to crash.

If someone knows the clip I'm talking about, maybe they can post it. Till then, I'll keep looking.
I posted something about aircraft encounters on ufomystic last year. The question was, "Why don't UFOs stall airplane engines?" (of the internal combustion kind.) The replies ran the gamut, but the most interesting to me was discussion on the difference between automobile engines and those in aircraft. The upshot was that aircraft engines are much harder to stall (at least with any sort of EM pulse.)
I posted something about aircraft encounters on ufomystic last year. The question was, "Why don't UFOs stall airplane engines?" (of the internal combustion kind.) The replies ran the gamut, but the most interesting to me was discussion on the difference between automobile engines and those in aircraft. The upshot was that aircraft engines are much harder to stall (at least with any sort of EM pulse.)

However, they are much easier to stall if they intake poor quality "air" through their intakes, moreso with jet fighter craft. If they intake the results of perfect combustion (carbon dioxide and water vapour) or incomplete combustion (carbon monoxide and hydrogen) there is a risk of catastrophic failure. I really wish I could find the video that displays this actually occuring.