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APRO microfilm etc - PDF archive

Free episodes:


Paranormal Maven
UFO researcher Steven Kaeser has recently made several interesting and
important UFO microfilms available to view free of charge on his
website as the start of a new digitisation project:
Untitled Document

The initial microfilms are a reel of APRO files in relation to
sightings prior to 1957, a Canadian government UFO microfilm and a
microfilm used to exchange information between the USAF Public
Relations Office and Project Blue Book.

Steve Kaesar kindly worked with me to create downloadable copies of
the files as searchable PDF files, with Russian researcher Mikhail
Gershtein providing very useful assistance in relation to enhancement
of the images.

With Steve Kaesar's permission, I've uploaded the searchable and
(marginally) enhanced PDF versions of the APRO Reel 1 as a 1.9 Gb
archive to temporary free file storage at the link below (until 22
December 2014):

Due to the rather large file size, if you are not fanatical about
getting and preserving the best possible digitised copies, you may
prefer to download instead a version of the APRO Reel 1 archive which
is reduced to about one third of that size (i.e. down to 763Mb) using
Adobe Acrobat's "reduced file size" option from the temporary link
below (until 22 December 2014):

The US Air Force microfilm referred to by Steven Kaesar as the "Varied
UFO" microfilm is now temporarily available to download from this link
until 22 December 2014:

A searchable enhanced PDF copy of the Canadian reel can be downloaded
fromthis link until 22 December 2014: