Michael Allen
Paranormal Adept
=====Posting some raw notes from my diary today--its a messy stream of consciousness, but it fits together on a deep level===============
Question posed on CNN: How can we apply the teachings of Jesus in a Recession (I horrible and barely meaningful question--but a deep question nevertheless because it presents a strange-loop in history) -- the industrial and atomic age grew out of Christendom --so to say that we apply the teachings to a Recession in an atomic/industrial and information age is like saying we need to present the teachings on how to be an acorn and grow roots in order to grow branches or sprout buds and leaves. Perhaps there is something deeply similar between the two hypothetical teachers (the acorn and the leaf) however rudimentary--it represents the universe of things (molecules of DNA and such) and the beginnings of strong AI -- if we are to apply the teachings of Jesus in a way that is relevant to a Recession, we might as well turn the monitor to its source camera and watch an infinite recursion of doubt, despair and elation (all of which are combined into the contradiction entity known as a Christian)
There simply isn't a way to map the industrial and atomic age matrix of the world as is now to the same 2000 years ago. In fact, one could argue that the presentation of a synthesis of human thought and ritual spilled over into rationalism of the enlightenment (an attempt to unify deities into a conscious omnipotent and omniscient godhead correlated to the unity of science under naturalism which later became physicalism--for good or bad. Again...the application of Jesus teaching would presuppose a fantastic understanding of the 20th century before it happened--this is not too difficult for Christians to accept, however contradictory the passages of the NT may be regarding Jesus apparent "oneness" with God. Interestingly enough, when questioned in the Gospel of John (a later source than the first three according to scholars) regarding his statement as to his divine nature, he responded with a retort that basically gave all humans the same exact nature (if you are to believe in this instance the literal interpretation)
The merchants outside the temple--a free enterprise feeding on the superstitions of the Jewish people at the time
(for the temple was actually an instance of the same vein as the south pacific cargo cults--the temple was a mockup of a control room that use to exist as an alien outpost to study human beings on this particular planet--once they left, and the gods (aliens) stopped mutilating their animals (hence the sacrifice)...they built a fake outpost).
More on the striking similarities between the cargo cults and the Jewish (and by extension the Babylonian temples to Marduk.
The reason for the high priest is simple...he was the one chosen by the alien archons as an intermediary--as the humans were too irrational and unpredictable being around the advanced technology. Don't laugh too hard at this until you read the history of cargo cults
All of this of course does not negate the concept of God anymore than the calling of a tomato with different pronunciations changes the wordless (I emphasis this) target--i.e the tomato.
Humans continue to put magic into their symbols--not realizing of course that the seemingly logical and grammatically correct arrangement of the words doesn't necessarily correspond to something meaningful in reality.
Lao Tzu says that "naming is the origin of all particular things"--that is to say the a name is a packet of thought. "A thing is a think (Alan Watts)"
Question posed on CNN: How can we apply the teachings of Jesus in a Recession (I horrible and barely meaningful question--but a deep question nevertheless because it presents a strange-loop in history) -- the industrial and atomic age grew out of Christendom --so to say that we apply the teachings to a Recession in an atomic/industrial and information age is like saying we need to present the teachings on how to be an acorn and grow roots in order to grow branches or sprout buds and leaves. Perhaps there is something deeply similar between the two hypothetical teachers (the acorn and the leaf) however rudimentary--it represents the universe of things (molecules of DNA and such) and the beginnings of strong AI -- if we are to apply the teachings of Jesus in a way that is relevant to a Recession, we might as well turn the monitor to its source camera and watch an infinite recursion of doubt, despair and elation (all of which are combined into the contradiction entity known as a Christian)
There simply isn't a way to map the industrial and atomic age matrix of the world as is now to the same 2000 years ago. In fact, one could argue that the presentation of a synthesis of human thought and ritual spilled over into rationalism of the enlightenment (an attempt to unify deities into a conscious omnipotent and omniscient godhead correlated to the unity of science under naturalism which later became physicalism--for good or bad. Again...the application of Jesus teaching would presuppose a fantastic understanding of the 20th century before it happened--this is not too difficult for Christians to accept, however contradictory the passages of the NT may be regarding Jesus apparent "oneness" with God. Interestingly enough, when questioned in the Gospel of John (a later source than the first three according to scholars) regarding his statement as to his divine nature, he responded with a retort that basically gave all humans the same exact nature (if you are to believe in this instance the literal interpretation)
The merchants outside the temple--a free enterprise feeding on the superstitions of the Jewish people at the time
(for the temple was actually an instance of the same vein as the south pacific cargo cults--the temple was a mockup of a control room that use to exist as an alien outpost to study human beings on this particular planet--once they left, and the gods (aliens) stopped mutilating their animals (hence the sacrifice)...they built a fake outpost).
More on the striking similarities between the cargo cults and the Jewish (and by extension the Babylonian temples to Marduk.
The reason for the high priest is simple...he was the one chosen by the alien archons as an intermediary--as the humans were too irrational and unpredictable being around the advanced technology. Don't laugh too hard at this until you read the history of cargo cults
All of this of course does not negate the concept of God anymore than the calling of a tomato with different pronunciations changes the wordless (I emphasis this) target--i.e the tomato.
Humans continue to put magic into their symbols--not realizing of course that the seemingly logical and grammatically correct arrangement of the words doesn't necessarily correspond to something meaningful in reality.
Lao Tzu says that "naming is the origin of all particular things"--that is to say the a name is a packet of thought. "A thing is a think (Alan Watts)"