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Are the Space Buddies Coming Soon?

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As I write this, Japan just had problems with nuclear reactors due to the earthquake. A forest fire is threatening a nuclear facility in New Mexico. Two nuclear sites in the Midwest are in danger of being flooded.
Because some claim that the space buddies are going to come save us from ourselves and are frequently hanging out around these "nucular" (as Bush II would say) places, where are they?
If they don't show up, does this blow this theory for a lot of UFO people?
Screw the whole nuclear Issue, they will bring pancakes, eliminate all ponies on earth and throw us a great barbecue. Sadly we, as humanity, still have to stand up and deal with 'our' fuck ups before they arrive to a charcoal brick of a planet by our own making in a few thousand years.

If you dudes read this, hey though. ;)
Space Buddies?? Well you might have to have young kids to appreciate this but here goes.


I think we have a better chance of being saved by these guys.
If they are, I hope they are kind, patient, and benevolent. And have a good sense of humor.

And I hope they are not like the aliens from "To Serve Man", or from "Childhoods End".

But I think mankind will have to save ourselves.
'They' seem to have a virtue we lost long ago, patience, if there is anything out there. The possibilities are truly endless, but whom am I telling that. I still have massive problems believing into the whole 'grey alien' hypothesis, but that is probably better suited elsewhere.
I have always thought that if there are any "beings" out there watching us, it will be like the Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man".
No ponies? Sign.
To me, this is a most damning non-development for the numerous channellers, contactees, and so forth that claim to be in contact with higher beings of some sort. What good are they, your aliens, higher beings, and what have you? Your galactic federation of light needs new batteries.