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OK OK OK... Maybe I have a better analogy but it's a bit of a stretch.

Imagine the following scenario: the tragedy of the commons.

There's a finite chunk of arable land that we both have access to. I want to farm it so we both can eat, but to do so we both have to become vegetarians.

You want to raise a cow on the land because you hate vegetables, and we could share the meat. I like meat too.

So, all good at that point, right?

Now, let's talk about risk tolerances. Growing veggies has a 90% chance of yielding more than enough for us to eat, and a 10% chance of yielding just enough for us to not starve. But you have to eat only veggies, which you don't like.

Raising a cow has a 70% chance of yielding enough for us both to eat, and a 30% chance of it dying as a calf and we both starve to death. You'd rather take the chance, and I'd rather not.

Currently, I'm planting veggies and you're letting your calf eat the shoots. We can't agree.

Is that a better analogy?
