Skilled Investigator
This idea came to me today about Area 51 ,it goes against all other peoples idea's on what its for , but what if its not a secret aircraft facility , i know it has large airstrips etc but what if it is a Secret Concentration Camp maybe even a global facility for Top Ranking Prisoners. Its in the middle of the desert , if anyone tried to escape they'ed be dead within hours with dehydration and even if they got that far and got past all the security there chance of survival is slim , During world war 2 the nazi's kept there concentration camps in isolated locations , i know AREA 51 isn't that hard to find these days but back 20-30 years you would definatly of needed a map or a local to point you in the right direction .
If you guys have any thoughts , agree of disagree i'll be happy to listen so don't be afraid to leave your input
If you guys have any thoughts , agree of disagree i'll be happy to listen so don't be afraid to leave your input