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Arizona Earthlights - Ted Roe, Massimo Teodorani

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Paranormal Maven
I just listened to a January 2016 episode of Paul Carr's "The Unseen Podcast". Featured guest was NARCAP's Ted Roe. The Hessdalen Lights were discussed and Ted mentioned a similar site in a remote part of Arizona, where he and Italian physicist Massimo Teodorani have done research. Apparently there are five red lights which appear fairly regularly, 50 feet above a ridge, in addition to other transient phenomena. The lights have reportedly been recorded on film, plus documented historically by native peoples in the local rock art.

It's not a location I'd heard about before and, without wanting to cause disclosure of any sensitive information, I'm curious as to whether Chris or anyone else familiar with the region is aware of the site and would be able to tell us more about it. (If you are at liberty to of course.)
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There's quite a bit happening there which reminds me of the Sherman Ranch in Utah. If you can dig deep enough, you'll probably discover the exact location.
The Bradshaw Ranch was the one that immediately sprung to mind, but Ted's description of the lights phenomenon seemed a lot more specific than the reported Bradshaw stuff. He also describes the location as remote and inhospitable in summer, which presumably wouldn't be the case if you had access to ranch infrastructure.
I agree inasmuch as the ranch setting goes. What I find intriguing is the earthlight aspect, and other alleged UFO type activity along with altered perceptions.

It gets hot out there in the summer. Like 120 degree, hot.

If you were to find the general location and spoke with the locals, (depending on their disposition), they may agree to guide you to where the artwork is, near the location where the phenomena has been studied.
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It would be great to have a tour around at some point but it's a bit far from me at the moment, stuck here in Dubai. We had 129°F here last week. 120°F hot? Luxury more like, like a cool breeze!

(Joking of course :), 120°F is bloody hot, agreed.)