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Audio: BBC UFO Debate - August 03, 2011 - Breakfast show with Nicky Campbell

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Paranormal Adept
Dear colleagues.</SPAN></SPAN>

Download link for Audio – I strongly suggest to download, listen and archive it on your hard drive - Good representative piece for later historical reconstruction of UFO media debate in this period of time:</SPAN></SPAN>

Only UFO references are extracted in the link above from the 60-minute BBC show. I am working on this form the morning. They were also 2 follow-up shows. Will post those later, it will take me some time to process them. Dave Haith and Isaac Koi also already reported on the story on different lists and forums.</SPAN></SPAN>

This morning (August 03, 2011) there was a lively and quite an intensive debate on BBC Radio 5 Live on the Breakfast show with host Nicky Campbell. The reason for the debate in the first place was a sighting by BBC sport reporter Mike Sewell of a disc shaped object which was allegedly circling above a field in Hertfordshire. </SPAN></SPAN>

Guests in the show were Mike Sewell, Timothy Good, Tony Robinson, John Chillis, Nick Pope and others.</SPAN></SPAN>

It was interesting to hear Tony Robinson and John Challis views about the subject. For those who are not familiar with British sitcoms, Tony Robinson played character Baldrick in classic sitcom “The Black Adder”. John Challis played Boycie in classic sitcoms "Only Fools and Horses" and "Green, Green Grass". They included them in debate because Robinson worked on documentary series Unexplained: </SPAN></SPAN>
John Challis was involved in BBC INSIDE OUT about UFOS last November: </SPAN></SPAN>

My favorite part of the BBC debate was on the 14:50 minute of audio when Timothy Good clashed with uniformed skeptic about JAL-1628 incident. In fact similar thing happened here in Croatia recently on one radio show that was broadcast on April 12, 2011. That show deals with popularization of science. At the time one caller also posed question about JAL-1628 incident. As I said, almost the same thing happened on that Croatian show too. Skeptical guest probably also never heard about that incident so he replied like this (translated from Croatian audio that I have):</SPAN></SPAN>

"From all of those - so called best sightings - when ever the details were checked, those cases were exposed as hoax, some other interest was involved or it was only a second hand story. So we can say that there is not a shred of evidence about those sightings. They have earthly explanations and they can be also explained with military involvements."</SPAN></SPAN>

--- end of quote ---</SPAN></SPAN>

So as you can see in that Croatian show, skeptical guest in fact hasn’t addressed case that he was asked in the first place.</SPAN></SPAN>

Now let's return to this latest BBC story. Those are also some other pieces about the story:</SPAN></SPAN>


Daily Mail:</SPAN></SPAN>
'Freaked out' BBC reporter tells millions of radio listeners of the moment he faced a UFO on his way to work</SPAN></SPAN>

The Sun:</SPAN></SPAN>
BBC man's shock at UFO sighting</SPAN></SPAN>

Stay tuned for the follow up shows in the next few days.</SPAN></SPAN>

Best Wishes</SPAN></SPAN>

---------- Post added 08-04-2011 at 12:39 AM ---------- Previous post was 08-03-2011 at 11:29 PM ----------

Interesting comment by reader on the Daily Mail article (credits to Dave Haith for this lead). 54 comments so far:

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ll-spots-UFO-tells-millions-Radio-5-Live.html

In 1974 I and my friends saw a large UFO at about 07:00am, it was bright and sunny when this very long object appeared flying low, it seemed to be following the power lines between three pylons, as it got near we could see that it was as big as a 747, it stopped and hovered at about 60 feet above the ground, and about 50 yards in front of us, it stayed like that for about 2 minutes, then suddenly accelerated upwards at an enormous speed and disapeared from veiw, what was erie about this object was that NO sound came from it, even when it sped off at a great speed! I phoned the Norwegian air force and told them about this UFO, and two weeks later an officer of the Norwegian air force and a civilian payed me a visit at home, they told me that I had not seen anything, and that I must stop telling people that I had seen anything, but I and my friends had seen it!
- S. I. Mather, Bradwell, UK., 3/8/2011 19:56
Thanks for posting this. It is an interesting sighting by a pretty credibly witness, and an interesting BBC radio call-in show discussion.
Thanks for posting this. It is an interesting sighting by a pretty credibly witness, and an interesting BBC radio call-in show discussion.

There was a lot of follow up shows. I am still processing audios. It was a whole media wave and many local BBC radio stations at the time covered the news with additional interviews. After that there was a small wave about Rendlesham and there is now a third media wave about 8th set of UK UFO documents that is just breaking.

I will post extracted audios as soon I finish the projects. It will take me some time as I have to pass through aprox 30 hours of shows so far. Stay tuned.
Thank you again. I'm definitely looking forward to your future British radio show audio files. Much appreciated!