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Audios: Col. Ted Conrad Statements & Rendlesham Free Speech Conference

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Audio Release:
Col. Ted Conrad Statements & Rendlesham Free Speech Conference

This brief media wave about Rendlesham Incident, happened on August 08th and September 09th 2011 on BBC Radio Suffolk.

On August 06, "The Telegraph" published Jasper Copping's article "Rendlesham Incident: US commander speaks for the first time about the Suffolk UFO".

Article is centered on Colonel Ted Conrad, ex base commander of the twin airfields of Woodbridge and Bentwaters, and his views on Rendlesham Incident.

Copping writes in his article that "just after Christmas (1980) mysterious lights were seen in the sky above nearby Rendlesham Forest, and after a second night of reports from his men, Col Conrad investigated himself"...Col Conrad said: "The search for an explanation could go many places including the perpetration of a clever hoax. Natural phenomenon such as the very clear cold air having a theoretical ability to guide and reflect light across great distances or even the presence of an alien spacecraft. If someone had the time, money and technical resources to determine the exact cause of the reported Rendlesham Forest lights, I think it could be done. I also think the odds are way high against there being an ET spacecraft involved, and almost equally high against it being an intrusion of hostile earthly craft", Conrad added.

On August 8, Daily Mail published the same story that caused brief media wave on BBC Suffolk. On September 10th, 2011 Rendlesham UFO free speech Conference was organized at Woodbridge Community Hall (similar like Rendlesham Reunion Conference back in December 28th, 2010) which also caused brief media time on BBC Suffolk the day before (September 09th). Because Rendlesham Reunion conference 2010 mostly featured American witnesses, this year organizers decided to devote more stage time to British witnesses. Profits from the event were donated to the animal charity RSPCA (Animal Charity - Rescue Dogs, Cats, Pets, Horses - Prevent Cruelty - rspca.org.uk).

Audios from brief media wave are now preserved for historical record and research purposes. Approximately 26 hours of audios were processed and approximately 36 men hours were invested in this project. I had to process manually every show and to edit and extract audios with UFO references. It was hard to located audios. Additional search to find more show with more possible comments, produced no results. Every audio file is nicely tagged. You can import all audio files at once as a playlist in Windows Media Player if you start the playlist file in root folder named:

This is the guide for the shows and folders that you will get after download:

- Compiled PDF's of published articles about Ted Conrad's Statements and on Rendlesham Free Talk Conference 2011.


BBC Radio Suffolk - Mark Murphy Breakfast Show - August 08, 2011 / 06-09:00h
- Brief comments on article about Ted Conrad's statements on Rendlesham.

BBC Radio Suffolk - James Hazell Show - August 08, 2011 / 09:00-12:30 h
- Interview with Nick Pope about Ted Conrad's statements
- Listeners call in with their stories

BBC Radio Suffolk - Lesley Dolphin Show - August 08, 2011 / 12:30 - 16:00 h
- Extended Interview with Graham Hayne, manager of Bentwaters Cold War Museum. Graham briefly commented Ted Conrad's statements on Rendlesham and talked about current status of museum. Whole interview with Graham is preserved for the sake of continuity (lots of interesting details about museum). Graham was also a guest in the Rendlesham Reveal special that was broadcast on December 17, 2010 (check Bonus Audio folder).

BBC Radio Suffolk - Mark Murphy Show - September 09, 2011 / 09:00-12:30 h Conversations about Rendlesham Free Talk Conference
- Interview with Brenda Butler
- Interview with Nick Pope

- 1960s & 2005-2010 - Following Light & 5 Flying Lights
- 1981-1991 - Flying Light
- July 16, 2002 - Orange Light
- July 20, 2011 - 4 Flying Lights

Extracted Clip from Rendlesham Revealed Special that was broadcast on December 17, 2010 on BBC Radio Suffolk
- Interview with Graham Haynes, manager of Bentwaters Cold War Museum (included from the archives)

--- end of guide -

Some audio pieces have references that are not always directly connected with UFOs but they are preserved for the sake of continuity.

Compiled and edited by:
October 2011
UFOPrintClip Index

Media Wave On 8th Set Of UFO UK Documents