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Aug Tucson UFO - def worth a look

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What raises my red flag is the cloud change at 1:12 ish

The clouds dont seem to be moving very fast, yet suddenly we have a new shot of the objects with a different cloud backdrop, and no explanation.
Did he stop filming and then start again minutes later ?
I don't know Goggs. I'm with Mike on the cloud pattern change, that was very suspicious.
Any further information about this vid? The when, the where, etc etc.?

It's just so bloody damned hard to trust what you see in vids anymore without something else to back it up.
Looks like another "Too Good To Be True" case to me. The first time I ran across that kind of stuff was in a video of alleged UFOs over London ... very similar, but I ran across an article that said that the London video was taken just outside a special FX studio where they had been working on getting that type of effect. Then someone did a video analysis with stabilization and it became apparent it was faked ( I guess - I'm no expert ). It wasn't long before a bunch more of a similar nature started popping up. They are interesting because the spherical ( orb ) glowing ball of light type UFOs are definitely real ( I've seen one ). But these days the effects are so good that when it's done really well you simply can't tell you're looking at a fake or the real thing.

The alleged UFOs over London 2011 ( over 4 million views ) with analysis.
Agreed. Some of the Mexico City footage from the '90s is pretty good. In as much as it's on analogue video and it's far harder to do FX on that, plus the date makes it a bit harder compared today where you can pretty much movie-standard graphics packages to mess with video.
If its a fraud, I hope those that spent the time and energy are getting a good return on investment in laughs ;)

The motivations to create these fakes must be powerful or maybe there are too many people out of work lol
So, this cloud change - I was thinking it could just be two pieces edited together - like if something was staying the same for ages it may have been cut out.

But thinking from a fake point of view, what would be the point of having two obviously different bits joined together? Bad hoaxing?

When I've heard say that someday there will be a fake alien invasion, well it'll pretty much have to happen in real life cos no-one is gonna believe anything like that based on TV footage alone - the quality of fakes is just too good.
First post to the forums. I think that footage absolutely looks too good to be true. BUT... I help out at my folks' place from time to time, and one late afternoon last summer, my father and I observed in Tucson one stationary light similar to the white objects in the video, in a similar part of the sky (judging by the sunset), which I at first thought was Venus visible miraculously in Mid-day, or a satellite. What was odd -- it was daylight, this thing was bright and stationary like Venus, near the Zenith. Venus wouldn't be anywhere near there. I was working in the backyard and called my father out and he saw it, too. Then, a classic stereotype in UFO mythology, I went in to get binoculars and when I came out, the damned thing was gone. I don't think it was an alien spacecraft. Still, in Tucson we've got Davis Monthan AFB and I've seen at least three objects I couldn't explain in the last 20 years. They may be flying some odd stuff out of there. Tucson has an interesting UFO history (sightings, APRO HQ was here in the 70's) so it's nice to see some mention of us. Btw, nobody I know in town has mentioned the above video sighting, for what that's worth, and the skies give a fantastic display at sunset almost every night, so some of us are usually looking at the sky most nights.

I hadn't thought about this until I saw this topic, so I had to post. Amazing how many amazing events simply go away in one's memory 'cause they don't fit.

I actually signed up for these forums 'cause I love the show and cherished Jim Moseley so much -- had no idea I'd post first with a sighting. I like the tone of this place -- open minded skepticism mixed with enthusiasm -- so keep up the good work. Cheers to Gene and Chris for maintaining a civilized forum; I've done it and know that it's no mean task, especially when we're talking UFO's.
First post to the forums ... I actually signed up for these forums 'cause I love the show and cherished Jim Moseley so much -- had no idea I'd post first with a sighting. I like the tone of this place -- open minded skepticism mixed with enthusiasm -- so keep up the good work. Cheers to Gene and Chris for maintaining a civilized forum; I've done it and know that it's no mean task, especially when we're talking UFO's.
Welcome! The "tone" of this place is why I stay here too. It's better than other forums I've tried in the past. Sometimes it can get a bit tense, but so long as people remain civil the moderators are really fair. I also like being able to update older posts.
I think that footage absolutely looks too good to be true. BUT... I help out at my folks' place from time to time, and one late afternoon last summer, my father and I observed in Tucson one stationary light similar to the white objects in the video, in a similar part of the sky (judging by the sunset), which I at first thought was Venus visible miraculously in Mid-day, or a satellite. What was odd -- it was daylight, this thing was bright and stationary like Venus, near the Zenith. Venus wouldn't be anywhere near there. I was working in the backyard and called my father out and he saw it, too. Then, a classic stereotype in UFO mythology, I went in to get binoculars and when I came out, the damned thing was gone.
Interesting. Perhaps a big balloon of some kind, or a geosynchronous satellite.
I don't think it was an alien spacecraft. Still, in Tucson we've got Davis Monthan AFB and I've seen at least three objects I couldn't explain in the last 20 years. They may be flying some odd stuff out of there. Tucson has an interesting UFO history (sightings, APRO HQ was here in the 70's) so it's nice to see some mention of us. Btw, nobody I know in town has mentioned the above video sighting, for what that's worth, and the skies give a fantastic display at sunset almost every night, so some of us are usually looking at the sky most nights. I hadn't thought about this until I saw this topic, so I had to post. Amazing how many amazing events simply go away in one's memory 'cause they don't fit.
I'd like to hear more about those objects that you couldn't explain!
A method I use is to watch the video with the sound muted. Some of the camera movements seem too well controlled for a sighting this impressive. My adrenalin would be pumping, causing my movements to be less accurate. Watch the camera motion when the light blinks. That movement was obviously done using software, and poorly I might add. A background plate of a sunset (video or photo), light effects layered over that, then camera movements and zooms and sound effects.
A big consideration is that if we assume it's not cgi, then she was set and ready to shoot a UFO! She had a clear line of sight, even though she's under a tree. That professional quality, very expensive camera was on a professional quality, rock steady tripod, and she used the zoom and pan like a pro. Professional videographers are usually hoaxers.
So either way, I smell fakery. But it is a good one.
I never believe anything on the Internet any more......kinda like the Bible for me, these days.....but this one's pretty good, I admit. Somebody put a lot of time and effort into it and, as they say, "I wanna believe".
I haven't read the other comments in the thread, as I'm short on time, so it may have been mentioned, but it appears as though someone has just learned how to do 3D motion tracking with After Effects and are trying it out. I doubt it was even meant to be a legitimate hoax. I say they seemed to have "just learned" the technique due to the sloppy nature of the job. The objects vibrate and bounce all over their location if you zoom way in on the video. In addition, during the "Oh my god" event the extreme shakiness of the camera is more than the tracker can handle and it is extremely similar, visually, to poor motion tracking instances.

It looks like the person learned how to track via parenting subsequent trackers, which is a pretty basic technique. What they apparently did not do was spend the time doing the tedious portion of the job, which is manually adjusting the track paths to simulate stabilization when the tracks go wonky.

That is very much what it looks like to me. In the first "scene" the farthest portion of the plant was being used for the track. In the second "scene," the cloud the lights were placed over top were being used. That'd be my bet.
After reading these very well thought out explanations pointing at fakery I am happy to go with that but I have to point out that the fact the person shooting does not freak out while shooting should not mean anything dodgy and the reason I say this is that there are many people who regularly skywatch looking particularly for UFOs and many of them may have caught some in the past. So it may not be the person's first time shooting a UFO and obviously if you are kind of expecting to shoot something then if it happens you might not freak out as much as someone caught totally off guard.

Just a thought.
Yeah, i don't think I'd freak out if I saw what they videotaped. Lights wouldn't do that to me, even lights that are acting all silly. For me to freak out, I'd have to see a full-on, unmistakable vessel from less than 100 yards. I'd think a lot of people would be similar. That's especially if they are intently looking for UFO's as goggsmackay said.
Welcome! The "tone" of this place is why I stay here too. It's better than other forums I've tried in the past. Sometimes it can get a bit tense, but so long as people remain civil the moderators are really fair. I also like being able to update older posts.

Interesting. Perhaps a big balloon of some kind, or a geosynchronous satellite.

I'd like to hear more about those objects that you couldn't explain!

Hey, thanks for asking!...

1) back around 1990, a silver triangle, very high up, floating above the Barrio Viejo district downtown. I assume it was large
'cause it was very high in the air and still had a triangle shape. It stuck around for around an hour before vanishing upward out of sight. I'm assuming a military dirigible?
2) 2000, summertime, I saw something that (don't laugh) looked like a black ball, again high up (above troposphere, maybe?), surrounded
by other black balls that were connected to it, cruising along against the prevailing wind. No source of propulsion. Again, I assume a balloon of some kind,
but it was really cruising against the wind... I would say (don't laugh) it looked like a bunch of black bags, but they were circular in shape and larger than that;
I'm familiar with floating bags in the wind, very common round here and it wasn't that. I don't think it was a spacecraft, I just don't know what it was.

Can't remember the third right now. They supposedly fly some weird white dirigibles out of Davis Monthan AFB, but I haven't seen them. Would love
to hear anyone's SW USA reports. Cheers!
Welcome! The "tone" of this place is why I stay here too. It's better than other forums I've tried in the past. Sometimes it can get a bit tense, but so long as people remain civil the moderators are really fair. I also like being able to update older posts.

Interesting. Perhaps a big balloon of some kind, or a geosynchronous satellite.

I'd like to hear more about those objects that you couldn't explain!
I'd have to say, looking at my other sightings, that my first post to this forum, that is, the Venus-like object at mid-day, remains the weirdest.

Weirdest of all is how I forgot about it, and how my father forgot about it and shrugs it off even if I remind him. "Oh, one of those things."
The UFO quagmire in a nutshell. Peace and thanks to all of you for indulging my "sightings".
Funny how memory works, I just remembered the third sighting, although it's the hardest to accurately remember:

Back in the 70's, before the 'net and when TV was often black and white, people in Tucson used to bring their kids out to Skyline road
to look at the stars. My Dad brought us there... And on one unique occasion, a bright light, on the southern horizon, very low,
turned on like a dimmer to full brightness. I remember our family, and several other freaks/hippies there (probably disturbed from lover's lane activities, natch) saying "oh, wow", as the thing got to be brighter than Venus, Jupiter, or anything else. This was before the days of Iridium flares and mass satellites in general.
Just as the oohs and aahs were peaking, the light faded out, again just like a light dimmer being turned off. I'd put its general
position around where Canopus shows up in Sonoran AZ. Weird and unexplained, so that makes three (before the one last year). Thanks for the indulgence!
I'd estimate the date at 1976, Summer. (How helpful. I know.)

Still, my venus-at-zenith-midday "sighting" from last year remains the weirdest to me.