Paranormal Adept
This little video really moved me
A comment in the info thread to the video.
A comment in the info thread to the video.
As Posted In These Comments By "MY FRIEND WELDER"...
"The tumult and the shouting have died away. The B-17's and B-24's will never again assemble into strike formation in the bitter cold of embattled skies. Never again will the musical thunder of their passage cause the very earth to tremble, the source of sound lost in infinity and seeming to emanate from all things, visible and invisible.The great deep-throated engines are forever silent, replaced by the flat, toneless roar of the jets and the rockets.
But, on bleak and lonely winter nights in the English Midlands, ghost squadrons take off silently in the swirling mist of the North Sea from ancient weed-choked runways, and wing away toward the east, never to return. On other nights the deserted woodlands ring with unheard laughter and gay voices of young men and young women who once passed that way.
Recollections of all these fade a little with each passing year until at last there will finally remain only the indelible records of the all-seeing Master of the Universe to recall the deeds of valor excelled by no other nation, arm, or service. These sacred scrolls will forever remain the heritage of the free and untrampled people of this earth."
Colonel Budd Peasley, C.O. 384th Bomb Group (H), 8th Air Force
We do not deserve the country handed to us by the generation represented in this video, Just look at today's state of affairs as witness to what we have done with that generation's sacrifices.
Wake Up! Look Back!! Hind site IS 20/20.
Lest we, as a country, end up like these grand old queens of the sky.
Time is fleeting......