I have followed this fellow's "whistleblowing" career avidly for some years. What I can say is that he appears to have prepped very well for such "career" and that he likely has a capacious memory in addition to a fast and agile intellect. Like many lawyers, including some of the great ones, he's what I once heard a judge refer to as "blarney smart." Listen to his interviews--he says things almost exactly the same way every time, down to the timing of his 'jokes,' to the point where it's hard to distinguish one interview from another. This is not typical of a pathological liar (I have known a few)--they seem to just invent stuff willy-nilly, not bothering to be systematic or to prepare. And he's clearly not schizophrenic or delusional; he's too articulate and calm for that to be the case. So, to me, that puts the question of his motivations front-and-center--why does he do this and why does he work so hard at it? If it is a con, then surely he must have a history of conning, because he's very, very good at it, down to conveying an apparent sincerity, warmth and moral righteousness that is hard to think is fake. Therefore, I have always assumed it is only a matter of time before someone publishes a comprehensive takedown of this guy, yet one never comes.
This is rather surprising, especially considering the hints we've gotten that there must be a lot of dirt out there on him. For example, someone somewhere posted a very old usenet thread that showed how versed he was in all kinds of conspiracy theories many years ago, and also how neurotic and paranoid he was, making outrageous claims about people ruining his law career, etc. Since he is a lawyer, it should be easier to find potentially damning information about him than it is about most people. On Westlaw, for a price, one could look up every case he has ever litigated. Even in his own account of his life story, he says that he recovered his memories of time travel and the Mars jump room during a slump in his law career. What caused that slump? We have here someone who went to a decent law school and certainly presents himself in a very lawyerly fashion, yet he is a solo practitioner who seemingly never had any on-the-job training from any real senior lawyers? You'd expect this type of guy to be working at a firm, or at least to have done so for a meaningful portion of his career. But there's no evidence of that. There is something fishy about him that would probably not be hard to discover.