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Batman V Superman: Fan Trailer

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Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
Despite being trashed by critics and some viewers, Batman V Superman is, so far, the fifth highest grossing film for 2016. Failure earned it close to $900,000,000. I can dig that.

But one fan must have wondered what might have happened if the film was envisioned 30 or 35 years ago.

What would the trailer have looked like?

Regardless of how much money it made, it's not a very good film, imho. I thought maybe the extended blu ray cut would make it better, but, it didn't. Ben Affleck was pretty good as Batman, I'll give the movie that much. Unfortunately, his performance isn't enough to overcome the over the top, ham handed religious symbolism harped on ceaselessly throughout the movie. Not to mention the awkwardness of the narrative as they try to cram in the origin of the Justice League, the introduction of Darkseid, some of Frank Millers Dark Knight Returns (without most of the little touches that made it cool, like the one armed Green Arrow helping take down Supes) and Death and Return of Superman. No wonder the movie is a convoluted mess, it seems to me that DC didn't want to take the time it needed to develop the universe slowly and instead wanted to cram it all into one movie.

Oh well, it was a disappointment for me, hopefully Wonder Woman and Aquaman will be better, though I'm not really holding out much hope for Aquaman. Maybe it will surprise me. I haven't heard about a Flash or Cyborg feature film, which is a shame because I'd definitely go see both of those. It was another bad move to have two separate actors playing the Flash, I just don't understand what the hell DC is thinking when they make some of these boneheaded decisions...
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Also, if you're not hip to HISHE (How It Should Have Ended) on Youtube, you're missing out. Check it out here:

I think the general flavor of these films, beginning with "Batman Begins," was one of gloom. While Christian Bale's performance as the Caped Crusader has been acclaimed, his Batman voice got increasingly guttural and less understandable. I think Affleck had a better balance. I think that they got lost in the grim approach and if they lightened up, and smoothed out the excesses, "Batman V Superman" would have been a better film. I did see the extended Blu-ray version, by the way.

The trailer for "Justice League," however, is lighter, and the interplay between Batman and Wonder Woman is priceless. If they can keep that approach, it stands the chance of being a much better product. I hope they are chastened.

That said, having two separate DC universes is only partly logical. I realize the comics have taken various approaches to the characters over the years, but imagine turning on your TV to watch Grant Gustin as Flash and going to the movies to see Ezra Miller play the role.

Now we have two actors playing Superman at the same time. Henry Cavill in the cinema, and Tyler Hoechlin taking the role in the "Supergirl" series. They are polar opposites too, with Cavill grim, and Hoechlin reportedly more in the spirit of Christopher Reeve and Dean Cain. We'll have to see when he appears in the first two episodes of season two of "Supergirl" beginning October 10th.

I can imagine a child asking a parent, "Daddy, why does Superman look like two different people?"

This is something that DC Comics needs to reconsider going forward. Marvel has it right with the TV and the movies linking up.
I can agree 100% that Bale growling his dialogue in the Dark Knight trilogy got completely ridiculous. One thing I think they nailed with this movie is having Batman use a voice changing apparatus, it should be a requirement for the character from here on. Everything sounds cooler with voice modulation.

I didn't know the trailer for Justice League was out already, I'm gonna have to go hunt that down!
That looks pretty great, actually. Let's hope they don't try to cram too much into that movie. Based on the trailer I'm definitely digging it, so far. Any idea when it's coming out?
I saw Batman vs. Superman, the extended cut and my biggest complaint was Lex Luther. Having Zuckerberg as Luther almost destroyed the movie as he was nonsensical and left the movie without a real villain. I also didn't buy Clark Kent's pursuit of Batman (seemed contrived) although the motivation for Batman's issue with Superman was well established.
Who was the Goldilocks character tossing Superman around and what movie was he in?

BTW welcome back @Muadib it's getting to be like old times around here.
Who was the Goldilocks character tossing Superman around and what movie was he in?

BTW welcome back @Muadib it's getting to be like old times around here.

Thanks Spooky, er, I mean Wade.

The blonde fruitcake you're referring to is Nuclear Man, from Superman IV: A Quest For Peace. It's widely regarded as the worst film in the franchise, though, imo, it's worth watching just for how hilariously terrible it is.

Nuclear Man is created by Lex Luthor combining his DNA and one of Superman's hairs that he steals from a museum. He then attaches said concoction to a nuclear warhead and Nuclear Man is born, goofy outfit and all, when Superman throws said warhead into the sun. Why would Superman throw a nuclear warhead into the sun, you may ask? Well, because he received a letter from an elementary school student asking him to rid the world of nukes and Supes decides that it sounds like a good idea.

I could go on but you've got to see the awfulness for yourself. I'm pretty sure this movie was so bad it single handedly kept Superman out of theatres for the next 20 years. You can read reviews and more about it here:

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) - IMDb
I saw Batman vs. Superman, the extended cut and my biggest complaint was Lex Luther. Having Zuckerberg as Luther almost destroyed the movie as he was nonsensical and left the movie without a real villain. I also didn't buy Clark Kent's pursuit of Batman (seemed contrived) although the motivation for Batman's issue with Superman was well established.

I couldn't agree more, his portrayal of Luthor was garbage and it was completely at odds with Lex's character from the comics. Lex Luthor is supposed to be a smooth talking, super genius badass. Not a quirky, whiny little bitch with daddy issues. Maybe the director realized that he couldn't pull the whole main villain thing off and that's why they decided to shoehorn Doomsday into the story? It also had the added bonus of letting them cheaply kill off Superman, which seemed completely pointless to me considering they let us know, literally five minutes later, that he'd be coming back.

They bastardized such potentially good Superman and Batman storylines in this movie, it really irks me knowing that if they made Miller's Dark Knight Returns or Death and Return of Superman into their own stand alone films, they would've been so much better.