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Battle L.A. -- Discussion

Free episodes:

Ron Collins

Curiously Confused
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This thread contains infirmation about the movie.

If you have not seen it do not continue reading the thread.
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This thread contains infirmation about the movie.

If you have not seen it do not continue reading the thread.

My wife and I saw the film today. Except for the ET's I found it very similar to "Blackhawk Down" for what it is worth. Did I like it? Yes.

My wife and I watched Battle L.A. tonight. It was awesome. It was a non-stop thrill festival. I highly recommend it.

Afterwards, we went to dinner to complete our date night. My wife usually gives my UFO interests about as much dedicated attention as I give her gardening or her choices of fabric for a new table cloth. Which means just enough smiling and nodding as to avoid being obviously rude and allowing the other to get whatever it is they are droning in about off their chest. Then it is off to whatever it is that was interupted and thereby allowing about 90% of the conversations content to fade from memory. I am sure some if you are familiar with the routine.

Anyway tonight we talked about the movie for a while. Much longer than I expected.

-------Spoiler Alert--------

I thought they did an excellent job of showing the speed and ferosity of an attck like this. The confusion, doubt, and fear were palpable. I think they choose well in making the alien technology similar but different and the aliens themselves similar but different to us. Much of this is how I would imagine a surprise attack like this. Perhaps not necessarily the water aspect but the systematic advance and need to clear and raze the structures as they moved through the city. Unless you have that crazy ID4 death ray you would have to go structure ti structure in order to exterminate the pests. So at some point ground troops would be deployed. Personally, I think they would most likely pound us from above for a while first. But they would eventually need ground forces.

I thought that the way they gave them weapon technology that was, albeit much more advanced, very similar in function to ours. I find it much more probable that this would be the case. An invasion force would need mass produced weaponry. Thus, it highly likely that this production would result in consistently armed and armoured soldiers.

What do you guys/gals think.
It sounds promising. But I was concerned when Ebert trashed it with one of the biggest thumbs down ever. It's on my Netflix list though when it reaches that repository a few months from now.
Well Ron, I have a lot of experience with American military weapons. M-16's, M-203's (from the M-79) M-60 GPMG, M-2 .50 cal., and so on. I kept thinking during the film that the alien amour would be tough to break thru with the M-16. It is a small round, high velocity yes but a small round. High explosives might give good preformance but a 5.56? I thought they should have deployed some M-14 rifles, a 7.62 would break thru the amour where the 5.56 might not. But I did find the film to be very realistic, believable even if you accept the idea of ET on the attack.
