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Best picture ever of UFO shredded

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Paranormal Adept
A FORMER Government UFO investigator has revealed how officials shredded the most compelling evidence for aliens that he has ever seen.
Nick Pope claimed a photograph of a metallic spacecraft in the sky over Calvine in Perthshire mysteriously disappeared after the Ministry of Defence got their hands on it.
He added: “This was easily the most compelling UFO photo I’ve ever seen in my life.
“It went to the technical specialists at the Defence Intelligence Staff and elsewhere. Their results of the analysis were that this was a real thing – it wasn’t a faked photo.”

Best picture ever of UFO was taken over Perthshire.. but Government officials shredded it, claims expert - The Daily Record

Raises some interesting avenues for speculation, was it shredded because it was a TS terrestrial craft.

And if it wasnt one of ours, was it shredded as a way of, as one reader put it framing "reality" based on their own distorted ideas and fears.
This case being local to me, I had in the past suggested to Gene having shows based solely around cases that some may not have heard of.
Well, the thing is, the location of the above incident is quite close to where I live and I'd not heard about it until this story came up. If me, a person interested in this subject and living local can mis out on knowing what's going on in my area, then what about someone who is not at all interested in UFO's?
This was a truly stunning case and If Nick Pope can be taken at his word and I've no reason not to do so, then in the MOD's possession were several analog photographs of a daylight sighting of a diamond-shaped UFO and near the UFO were some 'Harrier' jump-jets.
The pictures were taken by a couple of hill-walkers and when they sent the pictures to a national newspaper and the MOD, all copies mysteriously were mislaid. Permanently.
Nick Pope however consoled himself with a photo-copy of a photo-copy of the picture (This being the early 90's), which for us has no evidentiary value but at least indicates such a photo did exist.

There must be records in the Royal Air Force too - these jets being scrambled or vectored to a UFO would have to be logged. Also, the pilots and air traffic control guys would know. A few higher-ups too for sure.
For a UK newspaper to lose a member of the public's original photographs - effectively a source - is not good business because newspapers rely on people's co-operation to investigate stories.
(UK newspapers are notoriously fiercely independent about the right to a free press, sometimes this leads to them behaving irresponsibly and unfairly to certain people and they rarely bow to any institution all the time. It is plain to see how free the press is because even the most liberal-minded UK citizen sometimes think it is too free which in some other countries would be laughable) - It is very troubling then, when it appears that the papers were 'encouraged' to lose private property. We have a law allowing the government to prohibit the release of certain information/stories - but it does not appear that law was used here. This seems much more like a deliberate clean-up.
This need not conjure up images of dark operatives going around erasing someone's reality. In actual fact, someone high enough up in the MOD/Civil Service called the paper's editor and asked them to 'lose' the photos, the editor probably agrees to do so because he will have gained a favour to call in in future and he would not mourn the loss of a story that the media is not overly enamoured with anyway. No loss in the editor's eyes in terms of a a newsworthy item.