Thanks guys for your insight into this. when I first came upon it I did a double take but then concluded it looked very much like an owl in flight from the wing pattern Lance mentions, etc.
One other thing which was only briefly mentioned was the fact that only one pic was taken of the "creature" and this was it. As far as I see it, if this was a mother, child and another looking for apples, why would there only be on pic from a camera which supposedly flashes every minute or so? This, considering the broadcast which the person who placed the cam there specified how no one is in the area, and nothing would have "Spooked" them into jumping off or running away so quickly. Also, one of the things I questioned was whether or not any "footprints" were taken from the area after this sighting. I found it strange that no mention of this in any way was either questioned or spoken about, even though it's supposedly grass which the trees stand on. I would think that there must be a track, or tracks leading up to the grass, or perhaps some form of, etc. But other than this pic the owner of the cam has nothing. Although it is possible that he retrieved the data from the cam long after the event took place, one would think that there would be something physical left by this supposed family of Bigfoot's, even if it was just leavings, etc.
All in all, until further evidence can be shown, perhaps by further cam pics, etc., I feel this was an anomalous picture which in and of itself is nothing more than a simple owl in flight.