Oh, man, GSB, if you think Binnall is about the worst paranormal podcast out there I hope you will count your blessings that you've missed stumbling into some of the truly putrified rot pits that are available on iToons and Black Vault Radio

(not that I am criticizing BVR in any way, I think he is doing an absolutely tremendous service of great benefit and deserves everyone's thanks)
Now here comes a bunch of rambly yapping that is of no use to any body, just skip over....
I agree that Tim Binnall doesn't grill his guests too hard, but at the same time I don't think any of the podcast hosts I've listened to really do -- most of them don't seem to me to be high-testosterone alpha-male a**holes (no offense intended toward any high-testosterone alpha-male a**holes reading this, of course

), and even if they are it's not exactly like they're in the position of district attorneys who can run roughshod over some poor publicly-defended impoverished groundling who is compelled to stay there and answer the questions or risk getting punished. I think even Gene and Dave have said that if you push it too far the guest will just hang up, and then your show will be up Chocolate Creek without a popsicle stick, in the eloquent metaphor of the Gingerbread Man.
Personally I don't mind it... in fact I like that TB mostly just lets his guests talk, because for me the quality of the guest is almost more important than the quality of the interviewer. A good guest, someone intellegent and articulate and thoughtful like a Brad Steiger, or a The Clueless One, or a Chris Balzano, or a Richard Dolan (to name some of my own favorites), can do a lot of heavy lifting all on their own; whereas some huckleberry who comes from a long line of super psychics, who has never lived in a house that wasn't incredibly haunted, and who has 10,000 orb photos and
knows that UFOs are demons from hell, is probably going to be a sow's ear even when interviewed by Socrates.
(Ooh how I wish we could call up some of those who are gone to do podcast interviews)
Now when you have really good podcast hosts like Gene and Dave (gawd I sound like a sicophant though not meaning to) talking to somebody like Jeff Ritzmann or The Clueless One, truly mind-blowing ideas (at least to people like me, who lack the insight to probe too deeply into these things on our own) are dug up out of the muck and exposed to the light.
But when Goober and Gomer git together over the cracker barrel to talk about the Jeesus lights down to the Tobaccy farm, I want to shove knitting needles in my ears.
So, for me, Tim Binnall rates pretty high for being an adequate host who pulls in some of the best guests in these subjects and gives them
plenty of time to talk. I rate him as my second favorite paranormal podcast, after The Paracast.
But, ohhhhh Tim how I wish Santa could bring you a human voice box, instead of the 1950s robot monotone Mother Nature appears to have fished up out of old Kruschev-era Soviet surplus for you