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Binnall Audio is probably the worst podcast out there

Free episodes:


Nothin' to see here
...nothing to see here.

Basically, I have changed my mind. I no longer agree with the premise of the thread.
Don't pick on Tim, guys...he seems like a nice enough kid. If you want to hear some crap that'll really make your ears puke listen to Whitley Strieber's latest over at Dreamland.
I lost interest after hearing a 3 part interview with Paola Harris (sp?). He was raving about her saying she was such an inspiration, blah, blah, blah, urp. Anyway he does get some good guests, I just don't listen anymore because of what you said. He doesn't question any of the guests. What worth is that?? Certainly none if you are trying to get at the truth.

But as for bad podcasts, I agree with Dreamland. And also Mysterious Universe. In fact, as I started to listen more and more, I ended up with ONLY The Paracast. Seems like all these podcasts are afraid of actually asking important questions. Wouldn't want to upset the delusion now would we??
Don't pick on Tim, guys...he seems like a nice enough kid. If you want to hear some crap that'll really make your ears puke listen to Whitley Strieber's latest over at Dreamland.

I really cant understand how that guy become famous. You just have to read his book the Greys. Ok i guess me buying his book helps him in that process.However soon as i read that book i knew he was a fraud. Nobody told me beforehand that he was a fraud " i solved that little solution myself.:confused:
Binnall is a great show. There are many podcasts out there that are much worse. His interview with Jacques Vallee was great, as were his interviews with many other guests.

Perhaps you should have labeled this thread "opposite of the truth."

I cannot decide which show I like more between the Paracast and Binnall. I enjoy both very much.
Dreamland cost money now for archives right?

Not only does does he charge for archive access, he panders for handouts "Constantly!" I live in Austin, Texas...I've got a high tolerance for pan handlers...but Jeez...listening to his show is like walking down 5th street on a Saturday night..."Got a dollar?...Got a cigarette?" The guy has to be doing o.k. financially unless he picked up a really bad coke habit while fraternizing with all those Hollywood types.
I'm sure there are worse podcasts out there if you dig around enough (Kevin Smith's is probably worse). Binnall's is, however, ok if you just want to hear from a particular guest without any real digging around by the interviewer. If you want a more indepth, intelligent podcast ... well there is always The Paracast, and the Culture of Contact, and The Second Eclipse.

My big problem with Binnall is, however, (apart from all the "amazing"s and the "i'm psyched"s [repetition is not necessarily a good thing, Tim]) that he seems to me to be wanting to become another "Coast to Coast AM". He had a section on his website (actually, haven't been there for a while so I'm probably talking complete sausage meat) which reviewed C2C episodes and promoted it as being a good thing (if my memory serves me right) ... which if anyone has toured the C2C website for any length of time and heard any of the episodes is a completely barking mad state of affairs. Maybe TB wants, eventually, to take over from the Snoory's and Plummets of this world???

Another thing is that he's said on more than one occasion that he's more interested in the "personalities" than the actual phenomena :eek::D. My jaw, again just dropped for the 75th time as I typed that in. The personalities are the least interesting thing about the whole paranormal realm, in my opinion. This attitude truly beggars belief and genuinely leaves me speechless.

Anyway just my two cents ... so ... lets rock 'n' roll ... and carry on with your featured paracast discussion group esoteric thread ...
IT does get old reading rants about free shows. I will rant, about shows that charge AND suck. And yes, for those who dug up previous posts of me picking on C2C, they charge for archives. Same with Rense. If it's free, fine with me, I lose nothing. I'm for free speech, even if it's shit I don't like.

Now, for idiots that are selective. If the Paracast ever charges, they don't *suck* in my view that is why I might still be here. It was shows that suck AND charge that I mentioned.
Yeah Binnall has some sort of affiliation with C2C. Go and listen to the LMH episodefrom a few weeks before the Vallee episode if you want to be entertained.

But shtickz Im like in that I listen to hear from a particular guest. I really shouldnt rant because, as Aaron said, it is free. But sometimes I get too worked up that I have to say something.
Yeah Binnall has some sort of affiliation with C2C. Go and listen to the LMH episodefrom a few weeks before the Vallee episode if you want to be entertained.

But shtickz Im like in that I listen to hear from a particular guest. I really shouldnt rant because, as Aaron said, it is free. But sometimes I get too worked up that I have to say something. The main problem is he and his fans promote what I consider to be weaknesses as 'strengths' and that really frustrates me.

Ignorance of ignorance and all that.

:D .. yep know that feeling well. You get angry and you start foaming at the mouth so you have to vent. I however am usually a bit guilt ridden that I've responded in a vitriolic way ... and then discover that either someone doesn't get my fantastically correct point and they come back with something so absolutely inane as to burst any blood vessels of mine that may still be hiding some of the hidden rage that all humans have ... or they just potter on in their inane way and no damage is done (forever to remain idiotic and blissfully ignorant of their idiocy or fan worship of Alex Jones) ... apart from starting to raise my bile again in an astonishingly exponential fashion.

Lesson: other people are usually stupid, and you can't tell them anything :D so you might as well potter on and rant to your hearts delight

[Some or most of the above is probably correct ... so don't come back with any pity or witty putdowns ... its not going to work on me, sucker {as Paddington once did, I am speaking to the world in general :D}]

(Oh and just call me "schtick" GSB ... its easier to say than 'schticknz" ... especially if your teeth are lovely and plastic ...)
Oh, man, GSB, if you think Binnall is about the worst paranormal podcast out there I hope you will count your blessings that you've missed stumbling into some of the truly putrified rot pits that are available on iToons and Black Vault Radio :) (not that I am criticizing BVR in any way, I think he is doing an absolutely tremendous service of great benefit and deserves everyone's thanks)

Now here comes a bunch of rambly yapping that is of no use to any body, just skip over....

I agree that Tim Binnall doesn't grill his guests too hard, but at the same time I don't think any of the podcast hosts I've listened to really do -- most of them don't seem to me to be high-testosterone alpha-male a**holes (no offense intended toward any high-testosterone alpha-male a**holes reading this, of course :)), and even if they are it's not exactly like they're in the position of district attorneys who can run roughshod over some poor publicly-defended impoverished groundling who is compelled to stay there and answer the questions or risk getting punished. I think even Gene and Dave have said that if you push it too far the guest will just hang up, and then your show will be up Chocolate Creek without a popsicle stick, in the eloquent metaphor of the Gingerbread Man.

Personally I don't mind it... in fact I like that TB mostly just lets his guests talk, because for me the quality of the guest is almost more important than the quality of the interviewer. A good guest, someone intellegent and articulate and thoughtful like a Brad Steiger, or a The Clueless One, or a Chris Balzano, or a Richard Dolan (to name some of my own favorites), can do a lot of heavy lifting all on their own; whereas some huckleberry who comes from a long line of super psychics, who has never lived in a house that wasn't incredibly haunted, and who has 10,000 orb photos and knows that UFOs are demons from hell, is probably going to be a sow's ear even when interviewed by Socrates.

(Ooh how I wish we could call up some of those who are gone to do podcast interviews)

Now when you have really good podcast hosts like Gene and Dave (gawd I sound like a sicophant though not meaning to) talking to somebody like Jeff Ritzmann or The Clueless One, truly mind-blowing ideas (at least to people like me, who lack the insight to probe too deeply into these things on our own) are dug up out of the muck and exposed to the light.

But when Goober and Gomer git together over the cracker barrel to talk about the Jeesus lights down to the Tobaccy farm, I want to shove knitting needles in my ears.

So, for me, Tim Binnall rates pretty high for being an adequate host who pulls in some of the best guests in these subjects and gives them plenty of time to talk. I rate him as my second favorite paranormal podcast, after The Paracast.

But, ohhhhh Tim how I wish Santa could bring you a human voice box, instead of the 1950s robot monotone Mother Nature appears to have fished up out of old Kruschev-era Soviet surplus for you :(
Absolutely, I agree the title is misleading. There is definitely worse podcasts out there.

I was just super annoyed after hearing an episode of Binnall then at the end he read a reader mail that patted him on the back for "just letting hte guest talk" and the whole thing just frustrated the hell out of me.
Ooops, sorry, I never would have sent that email to him if I knew it would set you off that way :)

(Just kidding, that wasn't me :) -- though, perhaps it is significant that people are praising him for not talking during his show :question: I don't much like listening to him speak, his voice is like a cheese grater dragged across my ear)

I have to head over there and see why his peeps are dissin' the Paracast. Seems a bit hubristic to me!