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Paranormal Adept
I've heard a couple of people here talk about torrents. I am not sure how safe they are or how they work. I guess I'm a techo dummy. I "thought" I downloaded a program called Bittorrent. However, everytime I search I get a "join now" and "pay" a small fee to download. I had thought torrents were free. My question is can anyone help and give me a quick "Torrents for Dummies" lesson?
Install uTorrent. It's the best app out there with a minimal footprint. If you run through a router, go to preferences and click on the options>set up. Make sure you do a bandwidth test and set your upload speed to 20% of download speed.

Beginners Guide...uTorrent s guide to BitTorrent downloading

Read the background....News

Be aware of the risks...RIAA v. The People | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Most content is copy-write infringement and the RIAA will screw you over in a big way for DLing music etc. Literally they are charging hundreds of thousands of $$$$ for sharing a CD. On the other hand, a lot of new bands are using torrents to spread their music and build a fanbase. Stick to stuff that's not copy-writed and there's no problems :)