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"Bizarre Horror Show at a UFO Conference"

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Paranormal Adept
I don't listen to this podcast but discovered this bizarre report by pure accident:

You can listen audio at the following link:
Source: William Henry

William Henry tells a horrifying story of imprisonment of the audience at the Contact in the Desert Conference August 9-11. He says that David Wilcock came with a bodyguard, and that Steven Greer arrived with a whole group of bodyguards, who proceeded to lock the doors and allow nobody in our out during his presentation. If this happened, it was illegal, and we urge all UFO conference attendees to demand that they not be imprisoned during any performance for any reason. He also reports that Dr. Greer claimed that the US government has offered him two billion dollars to stop his disclosure efforts and his public speaking.
I don't listen to this podcast but discovered this bizarre report by pure accident:

You can listen audio at the following link:
Source: William Henry

William Henry tells a horrifying story of imprisonment of the audience at the Contact in the Desert Conference August 9-11. He says that David Wilcock came with a bodyguard, and that Steven Greer arrived with a whole group of bodyguards, who proceeded to lock the doors and allow nobody in our out during his presentation. If this happened, it was illegal, and we urge all UFO conference attendees to demand that they not be imprisoned during any performance for any reason. He also reports that Dr. Greer claimed that the US government has offered him two billion dollars to stop his disclosure efforts and his public speaking.

Dr. Greer is a nut job for sure.
I don't listen to this podcast but discovered this bizarre report by pure accident:

You can listen audio at the following link:
Source: William Henry

William Henry tells a horrifying story of imprisonment of the audience at the Contact in the Desert Conference August 9-11. He says that David Wilcock came with a bodyguard, and that Steven Greer arrived with a whole group of bodyguards, who proceeded to lock the doors and allow nobody in our out during his presentation. If this happened, it was illegal, and we urge all UFO conference attendees to demand that they not be imprisoned during any performance for any reason. He also reports that Dr. Greer claimed that the US government has offered him two billion dollars to stop his disclosure efforts and his public speaking.

I'd like to see some charges laid in this incident.
And let's start by banning Greer from all further conferences.
Also boycott any conference that includes Greer.

What's next? Crazy people with weapons are a bad combination. Shades of Jonestown, Heaven's Gate, David Koresh. This is the last thing we need in the ufology community.

That being said, William Henry's own new age gibberish and fear mongering about the future doesn't exactly inspire confidence either.
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It is sad but true that people like Greer are the reason we can not have nice things.

Once a long time ago he cam across as reasonable .. but now... holy Sh!t
Ehh. This is like a smalltime politician calling a bigger one an opportunistic liar. Looking at his website, I can't decide who's worse.
Once a long time ago he cam across as reasonable .. but now...
Maybe the condition for the hush money was that he would first catapult himself and all of ufology out of credibility before he's allowed to disappear and enjoy the two billion (plus expenses)... :eek:
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I'm curious why anyone would believe this man on a mere say-so. He states clearly that no one in the room knew they were 'locked in' - he appears to be the only person who 'knew' and indicates unnamed people who were 'scared' and one lone woman with an apparent problem. Pretty thin, if you ask me.

I've been to some recitals where god-help-you if you tried to exit before the concert was over - and I am aware that random entries and exits during a speech can be disorienting for some speakers. I'm not 'defending' Greer or any lock-in if it did in fact happen - just that it strikes me as odd that so many are believing this one statement from someone who has woven through his spiel, ideas that play off anxieties. Greer seems to be a bogey-man - I don't really 'know' the guy - only just heard about him in reference to the 'Sirius' film recently - but he seems like an easy mark and at a vulnerable moment because of the loss of his 'core group'.
This is not a small accusation, if true the consequinces could have been horrendous.
the blocking of fire exits is a criminal offence for very good reasons.
I hope that it is not true, but if it is then I hope it is reported to the relevant authorites and a prosecution results.

My "opinion" is that it he probably did "order" the doors to be locked, but I am biased because I do not like him.
No small accusation indeed. We need on-camera testimony from the attendees involved. Be interesting to see what comes of this.
I saw a clip from the Sirius doc and it has Greer (Commander:rolleyes:) and his bodyguard, who is packing.

The inference being Greer is a target of the Govt. and only his security precautions have kept him alive thus far. If anything shows how delusional this man is, it's the fact he thinks he could escape assassination, if assassination was what the Govt. wanted. Get real Steven! If some black as black Govt./Ufo protection group wanted him taken it out it would have been done with ease ages ago. Presidents and Prime Ministers, absolute rulers of countries have been assassinated. Does he think one bodyguard with a gun is gonna stop a determined host of assassins?

Anway, exactly what internal logic allows Greer to be calling himself 'Commander'? I consider that an honourable rank to rise to in the military and it is earned by the worthy. Greer does not hold that rank and it's no less than theft of valour. It stinks and the man is just not sane.
To the Paracast Community,

Greer has gone 100% bonkers. I agree that he should be banned from UFO conferences, and totally discredited. It is very obvious to me that Greer IS A CULT LEADER, and I urge serious UFO researchers to go to cseti.com and click on the email info heading and send CSETI and Greer your comments about how he has caused serious UFO researchers problems and has damaged this field and CSETI and Greer have along with other cultists have made most scientists laugh and ignore this subject. The crackpots need to be blasted severely.

Steve Zalewski
Syracuse, NY
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