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Blacklight Water Generators May Rewrite Quantum Physics

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Skilled Investigator
I ran across this at UCB, thanx Vendetta, and followed up on it. This looks like the real deal.As if physicists weren't getting enough being beat up trying to model the universe with spooky theories and electons as waves and whatnot, constantly changing the threshold for the elusive and ultimate "God"Particle, , well someone seems to have come along andviolated the second law of Thermodynamics, which, I have no Idea what it is..but someones happy, and a bunch of others are not.. produced verified results by a university, secured 60 million in venture capital, and without ballyhoo and fanfare produced several generators or fuelcells, just licensed to a couple of utilities, all the while physicis at large were screaming crackpot and bunk artist.

The cost is 2 cents per kilowatt versus over 20 cents now. Thats not free energy. But its a huge difference. Plus, its now in the field, not in the lab!:)

Here is a link including the work progress of DR. Mills , the inventor.and a wiki of course to explain what a hydrino, a particle produced with the electrolosys of water is .

This may coincide by the way with the US navy's lab experiment, confirming evidence of cold fusion.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrino_theory great wrapup on the theory of hydrino
Press Release - 01/06/09
BlackLight signs second commercial deal.
Press Release - 12/11/08
BlackLight signs first commercial deal.
Press Release - 10/20/08
Independent validation of 50,000 watt reactor.
Documentary Video of Rowan University Validation - 10/24/08
Introduction to BLP
(Video) An overview of BlackLight's advances in power and molecular modeling.

New Energy Source
BlackLight Power, Inc. is the inventor of a new primary energy source with applications to heating, distributed power generation, central power generation, and motive power. It is based on a new chemical process of releasing the latent energy of the hydrogen atom, the BlackLight Process. On October 20, 2008, BlackLight announced off-site validation of a 50 kW reactor. Rowan Scientists confirmed BLP's 1 kW and 50 kW power source tests corresponding to 20 kilojoules and 1.0 megajoules respectively. Chemical analysis of the reactant and product R-Ni powder could account for less than 1% of the observed energy from known chemistry. BlackLight's results have been published widely and replicated by independent groups.
Thanks for the read 8), I found the part about their lighting technologies fairly interesting.


In an embodiment, the power from the BlackLight Process forms a plasma (a hot, glowing, ionized gas) that represents a primary light source as well as a primary energy source in the form of heat. Systems have been developed that harness the power primarily as light. Prototype lighting devices comprising a cell similar to a conventional light bulb but containing a catalyst of the BlackLight Process as well as a source of atomic hydrogen have produced thousands of times more light for input power using 1% the voltage compared to standard light sources. Projected into a product, these results indicate the possibility of a light that could deliver the power of conventional fluorescent and incandescent lighting, but operate off of a flashlight battery for a year without an electrical connection.
The cost is 2 cents per kilowatt versus over 20 cents now. Thats not free energy. But its a huge difference. Plus, its now in the field, not in the lab!

Well, the article says 2 cents vs 8.9 cents but who's counting? Still, all the scientists are saying bunk!! They're supposed to cut to the chase this fall. We'll see. I can't say I'm optimistic because I've seen stuff like this before. And they never pan out. Maybe this will be different, .. hopefully.
Awesome, if true.
I've got a few designs for generators incubating in my head, but nothing even approaching this level of exotic.
I haven't done my research, but how do you get power out of "cold fusion?"
Doesn't it take heat to run generators? I don't understand how a room temperature reaction is of any use. I can do that in my kitchen with baking-soda and vinegar.
I think that the whole premise of Cold Fusion is you can essentially have a nuclear reaction that occurs at a room temperature and produces little or no radiation. So you can have a little fusion reactor in your home that powers your house for years or decades with no nuclear waste or radiation. If you need more info beyond my limited understanding: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_fusion

I haven't done my research, but how do you get power out of "cold fusion?"
Doesn't it take heat to run generators? I don't understand how a room temperature reaction is of any use. I can do that in my kitchen with baking-soda and vinegar.