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Bob Lazar

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Skilled Investigator
Since it looks like Bob Lazar has come out of hiding, perhaps The Paracast can convince him to come on the show. It would be nice to see someone finally nail him down on the facts.

I know there are a few important points against Lazar that can't be ignored (and he was supposedly only there for 3-4 months), but there are several points in his favor that are just as hard to ignore:

1) How did he know when and where to go see the light shows at Area 51? Can't deny those, there is plenty of witnesses and video of it. And if Bob was only a janitor or cook at S-4 it means they told the janitors and cooks when they were going to test the flying saucers.

2) He does have SOME paperwork backing up that he was someone (phone book and W2).

3) They used to debunk him by saying there is no way Element 115 could exist, now they found that he was right about that.

4) Jim Tagliani, a former engineer of the Stealth Project, remembered working with Lazar and was in no doubt he had attended Cal-Tech. Also, Knapp found 3 employees of Meson Laboratories who all recalled Lazar - no person works there without the highest of qualifications.

5) He passed the polygraph tests.

when asked about Bob Lazar about forms of energy more advanced than nuclear. "I will shut up"

7) He never changed his story, nor did it get more and more fantastic over time.

8) The amount of details he gives in his interviews and on his website are overwhelming. I couldn't just make all that stuff up and remember to say the same crap every time I was asked. Why over-complicate it if you are trying not to get caught lying? And if he is lying, he is still one smart SOB!

9) He doesn't sound like nor give body indications that he is lying in any of his interviews. He just seems so damned believable.

10) He never made any money that I am aware of. His story whether fiction or non is VERY interesting. He could have made money on books and movies all day long. So what did he gain from all of this?

11) Pathological liars that are of the mentality to lie to get attention don't get sick of doing it and just quit. They usually can't stop and will do anything to keep it going. He has vanished for years now and has no interest of talking about it anymore.

Some questions for Bob Lazar:
1) How do you explain the missing college records? How could the government have removed them from a yearbook?
2) Why did you go into hiding? You said that you came out about what you knew to protect yourself from the government, but then also said you went into hiding again for the same reason?
3) If element 115 is so unstable that it only lasts for a few milliseconds, how do you explain stealing some in bags?
4) Are you still interested in the UFOs/Extraterrestrials?
5) Is there anything left that you know that you have not already revealed to the public?

I am sure many more questions can be derived from Stanton Friedman here as well: http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/sflazar.html
Would be funny as hell to get them both on the show together!

Even more to consider here: http://www.ufomind.com/area51/people/lazar/
Or have Knapp and Friedman on the same time and spend a few moments discussing Lazar. Lazar isn't worth a whole show imo. Nothing new there really.
I think Bob Lazar would a great guest for the show. No saying that i believe the guy. But being asked questions by Gene and David may help shed light, if hes been talking total BS or maybe there is some truth in his words.
I agree. Id love to have Lazar on as a guest. Maybe with Friedman or Ritzmann or even Dolan there too to keep things flowing.
This would be interesting, but if you want to have him on just to fry him then there's no point. He's been roasted all over. I would actually be more interested in hearing him make a case why he should be listened too.

Frankly, I'm bored with the UFO crowd cutting each other down. Even the logical, nuts & bolts guys live in a fuzzy realm on the edge of science. Blah.
I vote also to have Lazar on, at least for an hour. Why? I think he points to larger issues of gov't secrecy which are, yes, mundane, but still scary as hell. What else could the national security state be up to? I bet this is at least one of the reasons why Dolan wants him on the show.
This guy and his story is like a popcorn hull stuck in between your teeth.Ya just gotta get it out! Well I agree.get him on.Theres nagging thread of truth running through this.And some Bull S#$t tooo.
ive always been fascinated by this case, and have the testors model of his UFO. the model itself is interesting, if its an honest reproducton of a "real" ufo.

i particularly like the the translucent hull. almost as if rather than install internal lighting, the occupants are built with large sensitive eyes able to see by starlight

maybe internal lighting doesnt work very well at "light speed".......

but yes id love to hear Mr Lazar on the Paracast
How come we still havent got a reliable informer or whistle blower since the Roswell crash, it's sixty years and still no credible information, what could be the reason for that. How many people no about this secret ,. Bob lazar is he genuine or fake or some misunderstood puppy your guess is good as mine :question:
The comparison of Lazar as like a popcorn hull stuck in one's teeth is a good one. There's not much substance there. But his tenacity and seeming sincerity make him hard to dismiss.
Lazar is one heck of a good candidate for implanted false memories. Or as a mis-informant paid on a one time basis and sent on his way with an instilled fear of unthinkable retribution, lest he spill the beans.
If you look at Lazar's actual past (it's not hard to find), it's easy to get the impression of an amoral, small-time conman. I've seen nothing in his behavior, past or present, that seems to me to be inconsistent with that. The W2 is a clumsy fake with half a dozen laughable errors, yet people still cite it as though it were proof of something. The whole sorry mess is as puzzling as it is annoying. I guess his stories were just too sexy for some people to let go of. I try to make some use of the situation by using his bullshit as a yardstick for UFO or conspiracy enthusiasts: anyone who refers to him as a whistleblower or tries to rationalize believing him goes on my ignore list. There are other such measures too, of course. Handy tools at times.