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Boehner holding the US as hostage ?

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Paranormal Adept
Obama to Boehner: 'Hold a vote. Call a vote right now. Let's see what happens' - First Read
"My very strong suspicion is there are enough votes there" to pass the government funding legislation, he said during an unannounced stop at FEMA National Response Coordination Center in Washington, D.C. "Hold a vote. Call a vote right now. Let's see what happens.''


Meanwhile in China....

Get your fiscal house in order - China warns US as superpower expresses concern for $1.3tn of investments

'Clock is ticking', says Chinese minister, as US fails to break deadlock over government shutdown and fast-approaching ‘debt ceiling’ deadline
Get your fiscal house in order - China warns US as superpower expresses concern for $1.3tn of investments - Americas - World - The Independent
China has good reason to be worried

Nations that spend themselves into debt face very difficult choices. As Dr. Stephen Davies sees it, a country in debt has three potential options to fix their debt problem. The first option is some combination of raising taxes and cutting spending. The second is to repudiate on the debt. The third option is inflation. Among these options, Dr. Stephen Davies finds that cuts in government spending are the most effective solution in the long.

The second and third options would directly effect the money owed to china

Obama to Boehner: 'Make my day'

... its not a shutdown, its a shootdown ;)

I hope I'm out to lunch about this but IMHO these two have nothing in common, nothing to talk about and really live on different planes of reality. One is rooted in rural religious america and the other is a city slicker connected with the global village.

This is 2013... who will be left standing ?
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[I'm pissed... I rely on Grand Canyon National Park to make a substantial part of my living and now with the NPs closed during one of my most lucrative parts of the year, I'm screwed, glued and f*cked w/ no lubrication. Those blowhard, grandstanding criminals in charge of congress are one of the major reasons why this country is going down the tubes. —chris]

Feds Try and Close The OCEAN:
Article HERE:
Just before the weekend, the National Park Service informed charter boat captains in Florida that the Florida Bay was "closed" due to the shutdown. Until government funding is restored, the fishing boats are prohibited from taking anglers into 1,100 square-miles of open ocean. Fishing is also prohibited at Biscayne National Park during the shutdown.

The Park Service will also have rangers on duty to police the ban... of access to an ocean. The government will probably use more personnel and spend more resources to attempt to close the ocean, than it would in its normal course of business.

This is governing by temper-tantrum. It is on par with the government's ham-fisted attempts to close the DC WWII Memorial, an open-air public monument that is normally accessible 24 hours a day. By accessible I mean, you walk up to it. When you have finished reflecting, you then walk away from it. At least that Memorial is an actual structure, with some kind of perimeter that can be fenced off. Florida Bay is the ocean. How, pray tell, do you "close" 1,100 square miles of ocean? Why would one even need to do so?

Apparently, according to an anonymous Park Service ranger, “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.” Centuries ago, King Canute famously failed to command the ocean tide to stop. His display was actually a means to educate his subjects on the limits of royal power. Today, however, our President actually believes he has the power to control the oceans. REST OF ARTICLE HERE::
[I'm pissed... I rely on Grand Canyon National Park to make a substantial part of my living and now with the NPs closed during one of my most lucrative parts of the year, I'm screwed, glued and f*cked w/ no lubrication. Those blowhard, grandstanding criminals in charge of congress are one of the major reasons why this country is going down the tubes. —chris]

Feds Try and Close The OCEAN:
Article HERE:
Just before the weekend, the National Park Service informed charter boat captains in Florida that the Florida Bay was "closed" due to the shutdown. Until government funding is restored, the fishing boats are prohibited from taking anglers into 1,100 square-miles of open ocean. Fishing is also prohibited at Biscayne National Park during the shutdown.

The Park Service will also have rangers on duty to police the ban... of access to an ocean. The government will probably use more personnel and spend more resources to attempt to close the ocean, than it would in its normal course of business.

This is governing by temper-tantrum. It is on par with the government's ham-fisted attempts to close the DC WWII Memorial, an open-air public monument that is normally accessible 24 hours a day. By accessible I mean, you walk up to it. When you have finished reflecting, you then walk away from it. At least that Memorial is an actual structure, with some kind of perimeter that can be fenced off. Florida Bay is the ocean. How, pray tell, do you "close" 1,100 square miles of ocean? Why would one even need to do so?

Apparently, according to an anonymous Park Service ranger, “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.” Centuries ago, King Canute famously failed to command the ocean tide to stop. His display was actually a means to educate his subjects on the limits of royal power. Today, however, our President actually believes he has the power to control the oceans. REST OF ARTICLE HERE::

go git yurself some tourists Chris !!
[I'm pissed... I rely on Grand Canyon National Park to make a substantial part of my living and now with the NPs closed during one of my most lucrative parts of the year, I'm screwed, glued and f*cked w/ no lubrication. Those blowhard, grandstanding criminals in charge of congress are one of the major reasons why this country is going down the tubes. —chris]

Feds Try and Close The OCEAN:
Article HERE:
Just before the weekend, the National Park Service informed charter boat captains in Florida that the Florida Bay was "closed" due to the shutdown. Until government funding is restored, the fishing boats are prohibited from taking anglers into 1,100 square-miles of open ocean. Fishing is also prohibited at Biscayne National Park during the shutdown.

The Park Service will also have rangers on duty to police the ban... of access to an ocean. The government will probably use more personnel and spend more resources to attempt to close the ocean, than it would in its normal course of business.

This is governing by temper-tantrum. It is on par with the government's ham-fisted attempts to close the DC WWII Memorial, an open-air public monument that is normally accessible 24 hours a day. By accessible I mean, you walk up to it. When you have finished reflecting, you then walk away from it. At least that Memorial is an actual structure, with some kind of perimeter that can be fenced off. Florida Bay is the ocean. How, pray tell, do you "close" 1,100 square miles of ocean? Why would one even need to do so?

Apparently, according to an anonymous Park Service ranger, “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.” Centuries ago, King Canute famously failed to command the ocean tide to stop. His display was actually a means to educate his subjects on the limits of royal power. Today, however, our President actually believes he has the power to control the oceans. REST OF ARTICLE HERE::

Feel for you man.
As you well know I am not in the US but hell its painfully obvious to the many of us outside the USA that you guys are being dragged down the tubes by a bunch of insane nut jobs who care little for the nation they are meant to represent. Worse than that the so called representation is little more than window dressing and the real representation is for the corporate elite and not the tax paying public.
This current bout of governmental (note the mental) insanity is going to have far reaching and long lasting effects for the middle class (what is left of it) and the poorer members of your nation. The knock on effect to rest of the world will be nasty as well, it took me from 2008 till now to come financially right after the Wall street greed pirates f**ked the world economy and the last thing I need is for similar crap to go down. So yeah I feel for you Chris as it is the little guy will pay but again for the miss deeds and tantrums of the rich and powerful as always.


Just saying.
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Boehner holding the US hostage? I think you have the premise wrong. The Tea Party types and right wing Republicans have Boehner tied to their agenda. He is a weak Speaker of the House who takes his orders from others.
Unfortunately, the crazy faction of Tea Party wackos in the House is rebelling. The Koch brothers, who helped create the Tea Party by funding FreedomWorks, have already written to some legislators saying they've got to approve the debt ceiling increase. Clearly they created a monster, and they are fast losing control. Serves 'em right!
Meanwhile, in the deep end of the batsh*t spectrum:

House Republicans Want To Use Default As a Reason to Impeach President Obama

The problem is who Gohmert wants to impeach for this.

Lauren Windsor, a reporter for The Young Turks asked Rep. Gohmert if he would support any deal to raise the debt ceiling. He answered, “It just depends on what it is,” he replied. “The word ‘deal’ concerns me… if it’s good for America.” She followed up by asking, “Would you allow us to default on our debt?” Gohmert replied, “No, that would be an impeachable offense by the president.”

Republicans failed to win the presidency in 2012. All of their legislative efforts to repeal the ACA have failed. The Supreme Court upheld the ACA as constitutional. Their attempts to destroy the healthcare reform law through a government shutdown and threats of default have crashed and burned, so some House Republicans have moved towards the pushing the big red button of impeachment.

Republicans have wanted to impeach this president since the moment that he took office. They have claimed that everything that this president has done is an impeachable offense, but even the most basic understanding of the constitutional separation of powers makes it clear that President Obama can’t be impeached for default. Article I Sec.8 of the Constitution gives the power of the purse to Congress. This means if Congress does not pay our bills, that will be violating the Constitution.

If President Obama tried to raise taxes or borrow money on his own to pay our debts, he would be violating the Constitution. Congress has to pay the bills. What Rep. Gohmert is suggesting is that President Obama should be impeached because House Republicans have violated the Constitution.

As Lloyd Carter wrote, House Republicans are trying to pull a backdoor impeachment, “The dance over the debt ceiling and the fight over the government shutdown are nothing less than impeachment on the cheap: a chance to negate the will of the majority by ostensibly placating the letter of the law. Unable to win the last two presidential elections or to persuade a Supreme Court majority that the Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional, House Republicans have arrived at a point where default and closure are the next best things. This combustible brew of race, class, and economic anxieties bubbles all too closely to the surface.”

House Republicans are repeating all of their mistakes of the 1990s. They have already shutdown the government, and now they are threatening to impeach the president. Let’s call any effort to impeach this president over a default what it really would be. A Republican impeachment attempt would be the ultimate publicity move in order to try to blame President Obama for their own crimes.

The only thing left that could make this situation politically worse for Republicans is if they tried to impeach Obama. The current version of the Republican Party appears to be in its death throes, and it’s fitting that their last act may be to illogical attempt to impeach President Barack Obama.

For the complete article and accompanying video, please see: House Republicans Want To Use Default As a Reason to Impeach President Obama
What is quite amazing is the whole country is watching these buffoons and they think nothing about continuing on as if they have all the time in the world to play these games! How long will it take until real anarchy begins?
I refuse to align with either criminal faction. We need to throw all of the bums out. They are all bought and paid for by someone else and march to the tune of a hidden piper.

The ones holding the country at hostage are as bad as the ones who spent over 650 Million dollars to create a website whose database cannot cross reference between states or handle the numbers of people who need to access it!

Our problems as a nation are directly related to a reluctance to uphold the Constitution of the United States by our elected officials and a strong undercurrent of religious fanaticism which is attempting to guide the world toward self-fulfilling the apocalyptic prophecies of dehydrated nomads.

Good Grief! JOIN HANDS! Mighty sky-god, please send feral drunk pissed-off Jebus to ravage the hindquarters of every elected official who thinks the suffering of this country is fuel for their political careers. Amen. Ha! The fix is in.
Let's hope for the best.

Really, that's all we can do at this point on the brink of a financial catastrophe.
17 trillion of debt is unfathomable if you are forced to factor in higher interest rates and insecurity hyped up by the tea party.

Wake up and realize that markets are driven by emotion and gut feeling. If tea party Armageddon/rapture has command and control over america then it's game over for the US. There's no room for irrationality in business and money/power will move in a hurry.