An Arizona witness who identifies himself as a commercial pilot and aerospace engineer reported being unable to identify a bright light that moved erratically in the sky on September 19, 2012, according to testimony from the Mutual
UFO Network (
MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness and a girlfriend stepped outside when they heard the sound of a military helicopter and first noticed the bright light.
"I told her I thought it was the North Star or another bright star when she said, "No its moving.'"
The two took a closer look at the object.
"Sure enough it was moving very erratically within about a 10-inch diameter circle initially," the witness stated. "It was far off in the distance so actual travel distance could have been very large. After viewing the moving light several other similar lights would come into and leave the sky. These others had a lot of distance relative to the 'main' craft."
The witness telephoned local police to report the incident.
"Eventually the main craft stabilized and very slowly descended below the horizon. The other craft dissipated also."
The witness stated his professional aviation background.
"I am a commercial airplane and helicopter pilot and also an aerospace systems engineer and have never witnessed a phenomenon in the sky like this before. Only on one other occasion did I see a light maneuvering in the sky back around the year 2000, but it wasn't the magnitude of this event. I was able to justify that event in my mind as a possible government or military high altitude maneuvering aircraft. I always try to rule out sightings by making sure they are not satellites, aircraft, cosmic activity, bugs etc. In this case the event lasted long enough to make a high level of confidence ruling that this was some type of UFO activity."
No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on September 20, 2012. The events occurred on September 19, 2012 about 7:45 p.m.
You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If Arizona MUFON investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to The following is the unedited witness testimony.
AZ, September 19, 2012 - Zig-zaging flight pattern, erratic positioning. High rates oa acceration. Changing light colors and intensity. MUFON Case 42677.
I was at home and heard a military helicopter landing so I went outside to watch. My girlfriend looked out the door and pointed out a mysterious light in the sky. I told her I thought it was the north star or another bright star when she said "no its moving". I took a closer look and sure enough it was moving very erratically within about a 10" dia. circle initially. It was far off in the distance so actual travel distance could have been very large. After viewing the moving light several other similar lights would come into and leave the sky. These others had a lot of distance relative to the "main" craft. My girfriend and I had all kinds of feelings and both of us got goose bumps watching the event. Were they watching us, were we going to be under attack...? were some of the feelings we had. I called the local police and reported the siting. Eventially the main craft stabalized and very slowly descended below the horizon. The other craft disipated also. I am a commercial airplane and helicopter pilot also a aerospace systems engineer and have never witnessed a phenomenon in the sky like this before. Only on one other occasion did I see a light maneuvering in the sky back around the year 2000 but it wasnt the magnitude of this event. I was able to justify that event in my mind as a possible goverment or military high altitude manuevering aircraft. I always try to rule out siteings by makeing sure they are not satellites, aircraft, cosmic activity, bugs etc.. In this case the event lasted long enough to make a high level of confidence ruling that this was some type of UFO activity.