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Britain unprepared for 'tsunami' of dementia patients

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
[The emerging sharp increase in UK dementia cases is highly suspect to me. Could there be a link with transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) and Cruetzfeld-Jacobs Disease (TSE in humans)? Back in 1999, I suggested that (as a direct result of the unbridled spread of 'mad cow" disease in the UK from 1986 through 1998), in the coming years we would see a dramatic increase in dementia cases. I hope my intuitive "what-if" is not coming true! "Dementia" is a general catch-all diagnosis that is NOT assumed to be as a result of prion disease. Most often people are diagnosed as having Alheimer's, therefore, they don't perform autopsies on people who die w/ symptoms of dementia. Health officials cannot determine the actual cause of death nor what caused the onset of dementia unless an autopsy is performed. So, don't do the autopsies and you have plausible deniability. We haven't heard the last of this emerging health crisis.--chris]

Full Article HERE:
Britain's dementia crisis is so huge that care homes and the health system will soon be unable to cater for the "tsunami" of people expected to be living with the condition, health experts warn. Unless a radical overhaul is taken, they say that hundreds of thousands of patients will face a future defined only by neglect.

Days before World Alzheimer's Day and the start of a three-month national dementia awareness campaign launched by the Department of Health (DoH), researchers and former government advisers told The Independent on Sunday that if current trends continue, the healthcare system will reach saturation point in coming years.

One in three people over the age of 65 will go to their grave with dementia – a group of symptoms that slowly cause the mind to deteriorate. More than 800,000 people in this country live with the condition, and the number is expected to rise to more than a million in less than 10 years' time. Britons now fear dementia more than cancer or death, according to a national poll, but new research by the Alzheimer's Society shows that fewer than one in 10 people aged 55 or over have a plan in place to deal with a family member's diagnosis.

Clive Ballard, professor of age-related diseases at King's College London and director of research at Alzheimer's Society, said that if the current system carries on unchanged, "we will be accepting a model of neglect, because that's the only one possible". He continued: "If we start planning for numbers in 10 years' time, it will probably be too late. It's like an ostrich keeping its head in the sand.

Earlier this year, the Prime Minister referred to the issue as a "national crisis".

"The capacity of the system is now just about saturated. In care homes in the 1980s, about 20 to 25 per cent of people had dementia. Ten years ago it was about two-thirds, and now it is probably greater than 80 per cent. Soon we are going to need a lot more care homes. It's the whole social and medical care structure, too – the system hasn't had to expand yet, but very soon it will." Rest of Article HERE:
Well at least with Alzheimer's you make new friends every day.

Ive heard it said Prions are from outer space

Is it animal, vegetable, mineral, or alien? Prions are not technically alive, in that they do not need food, or respond to their environment. They defy the biological definition that living things have nucleic acids (the building blocks of DNA). However, they replicate. They spread. And their very existence appears to have one effect--to make more of itself. Sounds alien to me
The Word is My Oyster: Medical Mondays: Prions from Outer Space
I wonder how much of this is caused simply by a population that is living far longer than previous generations? Dementia wasn't something people were worried about when they realistically could expect to die in childbirth, or due to unsanitary living conditions, or from any common illness, assuming something didn't kill them off long before they even reached adulthood.

This isn't to say that we aren't still destroying our health along with the environment. All of the toxins we spread around and even feed to the animals we eat must be impacting our health. Certainly the modern Western Diet is negatively affecting our general well-being and cognitive ability. There are studies showing diabetes can cause cognitive dysfunction, especially in an aging population. Still, what I would like to know is, how many of these dementia cases are "early-onset" versus the illness striking those who are well into their 80s or 90s? I'd also like to know what other health problems were affecting these individuals. Overall, these would be better gauges regarding what is truly an "epidemic" and what is simply the results of a population that living longer (though not necessarily better) than ever before - and possibly living with illnesses that would once have killed them years prior. Dementia can be a side-effect of other problems. The article doesn't show the entire picture.
From what relatively little I have read I've long suspected that mcd/cjd/bse is attributed to environmental causes not biological causes.

I think at one time it was suggested it was a caused by a disease (kuru).that was first found in the highlands of png (another acronym) within the cannibalistic "community" and spread through cannibalism within png but I don't think it got any furthur, being that I don't think there are to many cannibals that travel internationally, and for it to get into our food system, said cannibal would probably have to be cannibalised by a mad cow :) to get furthur spread in our westernized food chain.

I think this may be a situation that may be tied in with the cattle mutilation phenomena/environmental control system you and others have proposed but maybe attributable to various "heavy" metals build up from environmental pollution

Also (and I say this because I seem to be on a emf kick) being that this condition is found in the brain which is under more and more assault from electromagnetic radiation and brains are a natural conductor of emf energies I wonder how much a role that background radiation from high power lines on grazing cattle could play a role in the spread of this disease...not to mention cell phones/ cordless phones being held to the head...not cows mind you, they lack the ability to dial.
We need to instigate operation 'Logan's Run'!!

(in case anyone thinks I am being cruel, I award the right to shoot my mad ass if it happens)
Being a British citizen, I suspect this report is "just" a case of highlighting what the health service has known for years.

The report is from the Independent newspaper - widely seen as a reliable source. (Unfortunately the source for many stories re-quoted on forums is often not taken into consideration.)

I expect forum members from other developed counties can confirm that this situation is no worse in Britain than anywhere else. If BSE was staring to be the cause, I very much doubt it could still be covered up, so I guess it's one of the dreadful effects of getting us to live longer - or should that be "taking longer to die"...?


Aluminum, Mercury and Fluoride are most likely the culprits.
Avoid "flu shots", anything that is packaged in aluminum and city water.
But seriously folks while maybe I am making a tempest in a teapot what I find "funny" about this report and others like it is that the stories inevitably invoke the 65 age barrier as a mendoza line of sorts. It's almost as if we are being conditioned to accept that once we hit 65 we're screwed, and are now subject to all the "age-related" affections that follow. Obviously.our organs must have a shelf life (Best If used by 65 ??) so maybe goggs logans run quip is apt, but there is a segment of the population whose brains didn't get the message and are experiencing early onset dementia...whatever the age limit for that is...it could be an anomaly or it could be the that people have a certain tolerance to an environmental factor for a certain amount of years and that factor was introduced introduced say 40 + years ago and now that post war baby boom is starting to arrive at that unmagical age, it would follow to see an uptick in cases, perhaps that more than anything could account for the increasing cases. it would be interesting to see in another 30 years if the affliction hits more and more younger people, but it probably wouldn't register with me because by then I'll be pushing 80 and probably being spoon fed again.

Evidence linking aluminium and Alzheimer's disease

The hypothesis that there is a link between aluminium and Alzheimer's disease was first put forward in the 1960s (Terry and Pena 1965, Klatzo et al 1965). Since then, researchers have claimed a number of other circumstantial links between aluminium and Alzheimer's disease, as follows:
  • Aluminium has been shown to be associated both with plaques and with tangles in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease (Crapper et al 1976). However, the presence of aluminium does not mean that the aluminium was the causal factor − it is more likely to be a harmless secondary association.
  • Some have claimed that people with Alzheimer's disease have a higher than average level of aluminium in their brains. However, other studies find no difference between the overall amount of aluminium in the brains of people with Alzheimer's and the amount in normal brains (Trapp et al 1978).
  • Studies of other sources of aluminium, such as tea, antacid medications and antiperspirants have also failed to show a positive association with Alzheimer's disease (Flaten and Odegård 1988).
  • People with kidney failure are unable to excrete aluminium, and yet they frequently have to be treated with compounds that contain aluminium. Aluminium accumulates in nerve cells that are particularly vulnerable in Alzheimer's disease. However, even after years of high exposure to aluminium, patients with kidney failure are no more likely to develop dementia or the hallmark pathological changes of Alzheimer's disease (Netter et al 1990).
  • Treatment with desferrioxamine (DFO), a drug which binds aluminium and removes it from the body, also has a major effect on iron stores in the body. Therefore the effects of DFO may have nothing to do with aluminium (Gomez et al 1998).
  • There have been many experimental studies on animals and on isolated cells showing that aluminium has toxic effects on the nervous system, but in almost all cases the doses of aluminium used were much higher than those occurring naturally in tissues (Gitelman 1988).
Sources of aluminium

The main sources of aluminium in our diet include tea, beer, baked products, drinking water, toothpaste, aluminium-based antacids, aluminium cookware and some canned beverages (Rao and Rao 1995). Aluminium uptake from our diets is usually very low, with more than 99% passing through the digestive system unabsorbed. Absorption increases significantly in the presence of acidic foods such as orange juice. The small amount of aluminium that is absorbed into the body is rapidly excreted by the kidneys in urine, except in individuals with impaired kidney function, where aluminium retention within the body is responsible for dialysis dementia.
Aluminium is naturally present in some water, and aluminium sulphate is widely used in the treatment of public water supplies. However, intake of aluminium from water is very small in comparison with other sources.
Some aluminium from the air may enter the lungs as dust, but this form is highly insoluble, and hardly any reaches the rest of the body.
Only a minute proportion of the aluminium we ingest from these various sources is absorbed by the body, and even this small fraction is usually excreted in the urine or harmlessly deposited in bone, which acts as a 'sink' to remove aluminium.

continued here: Aluminium and Alzheimer's disease - Alzheimer's Society
Interesting to note that the geoengineering going on is introducing tons of aluminum into the atmosphere and on our crop lands and water supplies. even more interesting is that Monsanto has developed and patented aluminum resistant seeds and plants.
I HIGHLY recommend watching the video above. It is extremely interesting. Forget what you THINK you know about "chemtrails" and view this important documentary.
Yeah i had a naturopath insist in the 80's that aluminium cookware was the culprit.
To this day i wont use it or non stick teflon pans.
Stainless steel and glass are all i use.
We need to instigate operation 'Logan's Run'!!

(in case anyone thinks I am being cruel, I award the right to shoot my mad ass if it happens)

As long as im on the butt end of this

from the mad cow link above
No one knows exactly how Mad Deer/CWD prions are being spread through the deer population. The best guess is saliva and body fluids...BUT no one has - or can - rule out aerosolized transmission. No one knows how CWD found its way into farmed, isolated elk herds in the US and Canada, either.
Another thing I am wondering is if the chemtrails have any bearing on the spread. I wonder if any of the chemtrail investigators have tested for prion or synthetic proteins or proteins of any form in the air after heavy spraying has occurred? Just one of many possibilities.
It would also be advisable to monitor mad animal/mad people disease in areas of heavy chemtrail activity. I do not subscribe to the idea that chemtrails are the work of the Govt. trying to immunize people against biowar diseases. Immunization could not be successful administered by falling chemtrails. Too many variables. Heat, sunlight, wind dispersals, one's duration in the outdoors etc etc. I think they are more then weather control. I think it is very sinister and testing of chemtrail materials needs to include protein identification.
We need to instigate operation 'Logan's Run'!!

(in case anyone thinks I am being cruel, I award the right to shoot my mad ass if it happens)

Goggs, I'll be a freind and take care of you. I have pre-emptively aligned an assassin satellite and already have you in my crosshairs.

BTW...it works both ways...so If I start to lose it, welll.......First come first served.
I HIGHLY recommend watching the video above. It is extremely interesting. Forget what you THINK you know about "chemtrails" and view this important documentary.

How serious do you really take this Pixel?....Putting aside the logistics, and the number of people involved keeping quiet,.....WHY would "they" do this?
Why toxify the environment?
Unless it's some END OF TIMES cult or something, why kill the earth?