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Building a Warp Drive Engine

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Dr. Barry Taff will be my guest on DMR Monday, April 30. Among the topics we will cover will be his essay on Warp technology. As always, the show starts at 10:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time and it is brought to you by CyberstationUSA! Hope to "see ya" on the radio.


Warp Factor 10! Star Trek warp drive in the works

the changing energy requirements is significant imo

"Early calculations indicated that a warp drive would require more mass energy than was available in the entire universe," Obousy said. "Later, a more ingenious calculation demonstrated that it would require about the mass energy contained within an entire galaxy. What is exciting about our warp drive paradigm is that we have further reduced the energy requirement to the total mass energy contained in a typical gas giant--the planet Jupiter, for example.
"This is a reduction of energy by a factor of about 1 trillion. If one were to optimistically extrapolate this gradual reduction in energy requirements, then there may be hope in the future that we could continue to find ways to reduce the energy requirements of such a technology," he added.
The power for a Star Trek-like warp drive was derived from the energy released in a matter-antimatter annihilation. Researchers think such a scheme could one day supply enough power for an Alcubierre warp drive with energy requirements reduced through future innovations.

And more here
Gravity Control and Warp Drive for Space Travel
Alcubierre warp drive if I remember right Mike could potentially fry anything in its path along with its destination point.
Yeah some of the models suggest that there might be a naked singularity in front of the warp bubble.

Alan Dean Foster used a similiar setup in his Sci Fi KK drive

Essentially the vessel creates a (a tiny) artificial black hole in front of the ship , which pulls the ship towards it, and like a donkey chasing the carrot on a stick, away it goes.

Current technology has spacecraft pushed through space, via thrust , these ideas employ a new way of looking at things.

But i dont see a huge issue with this, as long a like in star wars you calculate the jump before hand, so that you avoid objects, you dont need to go in a straight line any more than a modern highway does
My personal feeling is that the universe has two axis, distance and duration.
And that unless you can traverse both, you may as well be walking lol

I'm of the mind True Travel looks a bit like Dr whos TARDIS, an ability to set your destination co-ordinates on both axis, the ability like the TARDIS to be anywhere/anywhen.

Without this means of transport, your doomed to waiting for the big crunch.

With it, you have access to infinity within a finite system.

Now a lot of people will say how can you have infinity inside a finite system ?

i explain it like this.

Take the number one its a finite number, but divide it in half, discard half keep half, now take that and divide it in half, discard half and keep the other, now divide..... as long as you have half left, you can cut it in half.

There is no end to this process, you have infinity inside the finite.

The universe could be measure in its physical size and its duration
(from big bang to gnab gib) aka the big crunch.

But as long as you have a craft that can take you to breakfast at the big bang, and the resturant at the end of the universe, you have access to infinity.

Even if we set an arbitary duration axis of a billion billion years, and then it goes cold and dies, or contracts , or every black hole eats all the matter, then attract each other and congregate at a single point (perhaps to start the cycle all over again)

A system of True Transport an ability to be any when between the start and the end of the universe, gives you access to infinity inside a finite system.

When people talk about ET being interdimensional this is where my mind goes, an ability to step outside of time and space, pick a co-ordinate on the X/Y distance/duration lattice and re emerge at that spatial/temporal co-ordinate.

Of course beings that use such a system are no more "interdimensional" than people who step off a 747 are "sky people", to an ignorant observer watching them disembark it may seem that way, but its just a means of travel
My personal feeling is that the universe has two axis, distance and duration.
And that unless you can traverse both, you may as well be walking lol

I'm of the mind True Travel looks a bit like Dr whos TARDIS, an ability to set your destination co-ordinates on both axis, the ability like the TARDIS to be anywhere/anywhen.

Without this means of transport, your doomed to waiting for the big crunch.

With it, you have access to infinity within a finite system.

Now a lot of people will say how can you have infinity inside a finite system ?

i explain it like this.

Take the number one its a finite number, but divide it in half, discard half keep half, now take that and divide it in half, discard half and keep the other, now divide..... as long as you have half left, you can cut it in half.

There is no end to this process, you have infinity inside the finite.

The universe could be measure in its physical size and its duration
(from big bang to gnab gib) aka the big crunch.

But as long as you have a craft that can take you to breakfast at the big bang, and the resturant at the end of the universe, you have access to infinity.

Even if we set an arbitary duration axis of a billion billion years, and then it goes cold and dies, or contracts , or every black hole eats all the matter, then attract each other and congregate at a single point (perhaps to start the cycle all over again)

A system of True Transport an ability to be any when between the start and the end of the universe, gives you access to infinity inside a finite system.

I should stand and give you applause that was mind blowing but it makes a sense.
LOL thanks, its what i do :)
No prob Mike

at first I think its time travel when I read it but that is not really the case as time as we perceive it is progressive and if you could be any where any when then that means in a way you are outside of time yest still interact with it... hmm maybe am over thinking this.
Thinking "outside" of time is the key imo,
Time is an artifact we are stuck in, a topological view of the universe "outside" of it is where its at imo
Take the number one its a finite number, but divide it in half, discard half keep half, now take that and divide it in half, discard half and keep the other, now divide..... as long as you have half left, you can cut it in half.

There is no end to this process, you have infinity inside the finite

Love the explanation of infinity inside the finite!

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Man Don, what a KICK ASS Show, Dr. Taff is simply an extraordinary guest. Please consider the good Dr. as a monthly guest! I sure hope he is on the next Alternate Conference!
Steven has good calls for sure, Kim as well usually went Richard is on, I'd like to hear Lucia call and the guy calling from Texas last Friday had some excellent questions as well as Lars from Boston. I mean every time i listen to Barry i just want to ask another quest (*edit Freudian slip there i meant question) and another question. Your right about the archive shows im sure it's probably a 100 to one archive versus live listeners.
Man Don, what a KICK ASS Show, Dr. Taff is simply an extraordinary guest. Please consider the good Dr. as a monthly guest! I sure hope he is on the next Alternate Conference!

ward - I totally agree - Dr Taff is an eloquent interesting guest and it is easy to tell he has enough material in his head for lots and lots of shows. Jim Marrs too!
Love the explanation of infinity inside the finite!

Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk 2

Did you guys see a thread a while back in which we were discussing 'orders of infinity'?

It breaks down like this in short:

If there are in infinite number of integers (whole numbers) such as 1,2,3,4........infinity

and there are an infinite number of fractions between each and every integer......successively halving numbers will do..

so for every two integers, there are an infinite number of fractions between, and there is also an infinite number of integers to chose to look between.........so is the infinity of fractions larger than the infinity of integers? :confused:

I'd have to look back but someone pointed me to I think a wikipedia page on this subject, might have been T.O which is worth looking at.
Just a couple of thoughts on the energy requirements:

Science is very arrogant in assuming we can even tell what novel energy sources we may discover in time. Not so long ago a jet engine would be unthinkable, also atomic power is quite recent too.
I cringe when I hear physicists putting limits on what another race from another planet may or may not be able to do, especially given the large amount of time some other planets must have on us, the Earth being a relatively recent planet and us on it even more so..

I just think that science tends to only dream with what they can think of but I say we should be dreaming of what we cannot think of, as it may just metaphorically drop in our laps one day by accident.