My personal feeling is that the universe has two axis, distance and duration.
And that unless you can traverse both, you may as well be walking lol
I'm of the mind True Travel looks a bit like Dr whos TARDIS, an ability to set your destination co-ordinates on both axis, the ability like the TARDIS to be anywhere/anywhen.
Without this means of transport, your doomed to waiting for the big crunch.
With it, you have access to infinity within a finite system.
Now a lot of people will say how can you have infinity inside a finite system ?
i explain it like this.
Take the number one its a finite number, but divide it in half, discard half keep half, now take that and divide it in half, discard half and keep the other, now divide..... as long as you have half left, you can cut it in half.
There is no end to this process, you have infinity inside the finite.
The universe could be measure in its physical size and its duration
(from big bang to gnab gib) aka the big crunch.
But as long as you have a craft that can take you to breakfast at the big bang, and the resturant at the end of the universe, you have access to infinity.
Even if we set an arbitary duration axis of a billion billion years, and then it goes cold and dies, or contracts , or every black hole eats all the matter, then attract each other and congregate at a single point (perhaps to start the cycle all over again)
A system of True Transport an ability to be any when between the start and the end of the universe, gives you access to infinity inside a finite system.