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Cambridge Scientists to Mass Produce Graphene

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Paranormal Maven
"Scientists in Cambridge say they have perfected a method for mass producing the form of carbon known as graphene.

Graphene conducts heat and electricity and it's strong and flexible. Its potential uses range from unbreakable mobile phone screens to central heating that you could paint onto the interior walls of your house.

Scientists at a company called Cambridge Nanosystems say they've found a way to produce it on an industrial scale

Their start-up company is using graphene research that was carried out at the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at Cambridge University."

Cambridge scientists perfect way to mass produce wonder substance graphene | Anglia - ITV News

Video in the link

As much as I know this was the biggest hurdle in the material that could change everything that we use today. From cars, TV,cell phones, quantum computing and pretty much everything else we depend on electronically. These are some exciting times here folks.
Mass producing it was the main obstacle to storing hydrogen fuel for transport, mass production will now mean cheap tanks, and green fuel.

Hydrogen on Graphene

I must admit loading cells with it wasnt what i was remembering, actual fuel tanks for vehicles and fuel stations for liquid hydrogen storage, was what i read about.
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