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canada mass UFO sighting

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ok the vid is odd because the camera man zooms in on the craft then nothing. He goes back to the game like nothing was there no one reacts to the UFO no one points at it except the kid in the 1st vid. I been looking for more vids and yet to find more...
Well, if it's a hoax there probably would have to be at least two people involved I guess? The vids seem to be taken at about the same time from two different angles. Wasn't there any news coverage? I'm undecided and because of that I think it's probably hoaxed.
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more covrage more pics
Thanks. Looks like we can rule out CGI now. So what could a conventional explanation be for an object like this? Unfortunately there's not much movement from it, so I guess a remote-controlled model made to look like a UFO is not unlikely. A football game would make a good opportunity to have it photographed.

EDIT: I just looked at the video again and I think that explanation that it's the rear end of an unusual looking jet plane is quite likely. That would explain why the others don't react much.

I'm undecided and because of that I think it's probably hoaxed.
Hmm. I should probably make this my signature sentence...
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Here's another Canadian sighting from May 2013:

"Calgary Alberta Canada: I was outside, May 6 2013, between 5:30 and 6:30 pm, in my backyard having a smoke. My daughter was jumping on the trampoline. The wife was out. Happened to look off to the sw, over the houses across the street. And there it was. A round, metal, reflective, sphere with what seemed to be an antenna on the top and bottom, the antenna were small and thin. I watched it fly over my street, over my trees and out of sight. I had tried to get my phone out to get a picture, but couldn't do it quickly enough.

I stood there, leaning on my fence, for a good 5 minutes, pondering what I had just bore witness to. My daughter was preoccupied with the trampoline and did not see it. It made no sound at all. I think it was about 3-6 ft. in diameter. It was moving about as fast as a helicopter would. The elevation did not seem to change. I later recorded the date, and approximate time. It's not a huge sighting or anything, but it's going to bother me forever, if I don't mention it. I went on YouTube, to see if I could find something similar. I typed " shiny metal ball shaped UFO ", and was surprised to find similar spheres on video. Not a lot though. I would say 2-4.

It seems one of these was found in south America, and another was recorded in the U.S. This object struck me as a drone of some sort. I thought balloon, but its path was intentional and much too stable to be a balloon. Also, the wind was all but nonexistent. I was kind of surprised, but very calm. It was only in my line of sight for 30 seconds or less, and the trajectory was consistent. It flew in a straight line. This is the first "UFO" i have witnessed.

I have also witnessed EXTENSIVE amounts of upper stratospheric geoengineering over our skies in the past 5 months all over my city. I drive for a living, and I see them ALL the time. These "persistent contrails"/"chemtrails", spread put and cover our skies with a sickening white haze of particulates. Investigation of these, in my opinion is a FAR greater use of time."
Source: UFO Stalker
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I think that vesvehighfolk's comment is the salient one here. The third video appears to be that cameraman's video as he zooms in and appears to say to himself, "oh one of the those - seen em many times before," and then goes right back to the game. If it's something he's seen while shooting games many times before then it's probably a blimp. It certainly isn't anything profoundly unusual as otherwise he would have spent a lot more time on it.

What is profoundly unusual is just how many sightings are being reported as you don't really hear about these, or as in the one that ufology posted above which sounds really intriguing, you don't hear good ones in the media. What are all of these about - the prevalence of drones? It seems that we are having a lot more reports, but not really a lot of public discussion. I suppose society is bored with UFO's now - just something to watch in the movie theatres.
The problem is that the waters are so muddy that good cases are ignored.

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That really is the issue isn't it. I wonder if it's simply a product of our times that the idea of clarity is something that has dissolved. I started noticing this in students' writing over the last two decades where towards the end of the 90's i was no longer seeing people be able to take a firm position on anything. Instead of answering questions with a clear opinion that they could get behind it was always a wishy washy little of this and could be that. It seems like we live in a time period when anything could be right and so there are only a collection of varying degrees of wrong answers, some a little less wrong than others. Ufology also suffers from this terribly. No clear voices, no direction. It's as blind as any political environment.