[If you thought Alfred Webre couldn't come up with anything to top his touting of Basigio, Eisenhower, et al., here is his latest missive where he shows (questionable) footage from the recent CHD and decides that reptilian handler Antonio Huneeus is manipulating Steven Greer. LOL yeah, sure dude! I just had to post a comment (that may or not be moderated and posted) but I thought you all might get a chuckle at the latest Webre train-wreck... —chris]
"Al, come on already! I have known both Steven Greer and Antonio Huneeus for 20 years. Don't get me started about Greer, I told him back in the early '90s that "his message is more important than he is..." but Antonio? A reptilian? That really cracks me up! If your youtube source knows even the slightest thing about video compression, they would know you can take footage of anyone, post it on Youtube and find examples of *spooky music* weird, "reptilian" eye-movements... I'VE even been targeted with this ridiculous nonsense! And you wonder why no one takes the subject of "UFOs" or your over-the-top assertions seriously. Get a grip space fanz..."
Article HERE:
"Al, come on already! I have known both Steven Greer and Antonio Huneeus for 20 years. Don't get me started about Greer, I told him back in the early '90s that "his message is more important than he is..." but Antonio? A reptilian? That really cracks me up! If your youtube source knows even the slightest thing about video compression, they would know you can take footage of anyone, post it on Youtube and find examples of *spooky music* weird, "reptilian" eye-movements... I'VE even been targeted with this ridiculous nonsense! And you wonder why no one takes the subject of "UFOs" or your over-the-top assertions seriously. Get a grip space fanz..."
Article HERE: