Paranormal Adept
Bonhams : The Space History Sale
choose 100 images per page and on page 2 you will see Apollo 8s hassleblad positives for sale, canisters, photos, negs, film stock of apollo 11 moon footage, the actual cameras, lenses etc... plus space suits, helmets, russian space stuff, all for sale! absolutely crazy this stuff isn't in a museum.
check out lots 150-179 MUST SEE
-reposted it here cos I thought you guys would get a kick out of it more.
choose 100 images per page and on page 2 you will see Apollo 8s hassleblad positives for sale, canisters, photos, negs, film stock of apollo 11 moon footage, the actual cameras, lenses etc... plus space suits, helmets, russian space stuff, all for sale! absolutely crazy this stuff isn't in a museum.
check out lots 150-179 MUST SEE
-reposted it here cos I thought you guys would get a kick out of it more.
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