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Check This Out Something is Going On! Myrtle Beach. S.C.!

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Paranormal Adept
In July 2012, WPDE NewsChannel 15 aired multiple stories about strange lights in the sky witnessed by many people along South Carolina's Grand Strand. Witness Joe Kiernan explained to NewsChannel 15 that these UFOs "did climbs, they went to altitudes, they changed directions that are beyond physics. It's just not possible." And according to Kiernan, these lights are repeatedly seen in the area.

Jeez - what a surprise the second video, the one with the TV news report, uses the X-Files theme. The innovative way these TV directors amaze and surprise each time! Wow! Not in a million years would I be clever enough to use the X-Files theme on a piece about UFOs!
Do you live down that way Ryan?
Witness Joe Kiernan explained to NewsChannel 15 that these UFOs "did climbs, they went to altitudes, they changed directions that are beyond physics. It's just not possible."

Come on, Dude. Mr. Shermer says birds do that. Oh, they're lights in the night sky? Probably flares or chinese lanterns. ...moving and maneuvering lights you say. ...Yeah Very probably birds tied to flares.
The video doesn't show anything convincing and I'd have to hear a more complete description of the maneuvers these objects performed before being able to class them as UFOs. Until then it's just a report of vague lights off in the distance. At best we might call them UAP ( unidentified aerial phenomena ).
The witness (Kiernan) is a pilot himself and IMO should know what he ist talking about. But of course, pilots are in no way entitled to a better knowledge about what's flying around than the average pedestrian. ;)
Hijack in progress! Hey, Polter - remember I asked you about attitudes to the paranormal in Germany etc?
Well, I wonder now what might be the response of the high-ups in the German military to something like the COMETA report? 2 Large European countries that share a border and one has a famous ufologist and the COMETA report and the other is.....Germany!
I actually don't think there has ever been any reaction by german military - or any other - officials on COMETA. Have you heard anything, dyingsun? Wouldn't surprise me.
I didn't even know anything about that report until a few years ago, when I started googling these subjects.

I guess it's gonna turn up in the yellow media now and then to support some hopelessly exaggerated, maybe even fictional UFO story, and maybe there have been one or two better articles or TV programmes mentioning the report. If there was news coverage when it came out, I missed it. Probably, the coverage of mainstream media was something like "a bunch of starry-eyed sci-fi grandpas are saying that the Vulcans are visiting us". Har-de-har-har.
Yeah. I love my country. Sometimes I think there is only either totally close-minded people or the totally over-the-top everything-goes kooks or charlatans. But I guess, the majority of sceptical-but-open-minded people in between who seem to be missing from the picture are actually there but just restrain themselves from being verbal about it. I mean, I've been on a german fringe science forum, where I literally got bombarded into silence by self-proclaimed watchdogs of science because I dared to hint at the possibility of unexpainable UFOs. And although that experience was a little extreme, it was similar in other forums. And on the other hand you have these sites where you are instantly welcomed into the pangalactic society of enlightened species and beings of light and universal harmony. Not much in between. To the point that I ended up giving up entirely on german sites and forums of this genre. So, no question why people with genuine experiences or a scientific interest would choose to remain silent at all cost.
Is there much chance of me jumping into one of these German-language forums (super skeptical) and wading on in typing English, and hoping to get replies in English?

If so, I fancy putting on my battle dress and walking into the arena of battle. I shall force the skeptics into admitting they don't actually have a clue...
LOL :) Yep I'd say there is a good chance. Most people on forums will have a sufficient to very good grasp of english and if you taunt them a little ("you sorry german debunkerens, I f**t in your general direction!", well, maybe not quite like that :D ) you are destined to get some polite but thoroughly debunking answers. You could try this one, for example, that's the one I got shot down by aspiring scientists http://forum.grenzwissen.de/