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Chilean AF General To Speak At UFO Conference

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Paranormal Adept
>Source: PRWeb.Com
>January 20, 2012
>Chilean Air Force General To Speak At UFO Conference
>General (Ret.) Ricardo Bermudez will make a special announcement about
>official Chilean UFO Project at the 2012 International UFO Congress
>this February in Fountain Hills, Arizona.


That is a great news and here is some additional material on that note.
In depth article about CEFAA was also written by Antoinio Huneeus titled "Ufology Goes official in Chile." It is published in July 2000 in the Fate magazine. Article talks about FIDAE 2000 - International Air and Space Fair that was held from March 27 to April 2, 2000. At the time, president of Chile, Ricardo Lagos, opened FIDAE. Inside the official program of the FIDAE, "UFO events" were also included - a closed workshop, and a two-day Symposium titled, "UFO: Analysis, Investigations and Perspectives for the New Millennium." The UFO workshop was organized by CEFAA with the logistic backing of DGAC (Chile's FAA). Fate's article goes in detail about conference and speakers.

I interviewed general Bermudez 11 years ago. This is a small excerpt what general Bermudez shared with me in an interview few months after the FIDAE conference back in 2000:

"The workshop had the general goal of "knowing the new theories, criterias and scientific tools applicable to the study of anomalous aerial phenomena". The panel recognized that "the anomalous aerial phenomenon is real and the ufo incident is a more specific and rare event. The definitions, theories and studies so far undertaken have failed to solve the many unknows and the possibility of meaningfull progress in the study of the phenomena are greater now than previous times. The group finally makes an energetic call to international cooperation at the level of governments and institutions to contribute in the exchange of data and experiences, to strenght significantly the possibility of finding answers to the unknowns currently presented by the phenomenon."

At the time, Bermudez also emphasized the need of international cooperation adding that CEFAA is processing an agreement protocol with French SEPRA (now GEIPAN) and NIDS (now defunct).
Check here for more info on the cooperation between CEFAA and NARCAP:

Excellent coverage of CEFAA was also presented in June 2000 in special issue of French magazine VSD (the same magazine that originally published the Cometa Report) when Bernard Thouanel was Editor in Chief.
There are also some recent Chilean articles that should be mentioned as:
La Tercera, January 29, 2011 (in Spanish) Department of Aeronautics looks at anomalous aerial phenomena reports

Las Ultimas Noticias, June 1, 2011 (in Spanish) Expert are analyzing the latest sightings in Chile

plus an English article:
OpenMinds, Antonio Huneeus, July 29, 2011 New video from Chilean government UFO Committee

Here are more details about upcoming conference and Bermudez participation:

Readers could be also interested in these additional sources:
CEFAA's Official page:

Leslie Kean, UFOs; Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials go on the Record, (New York, NY: Harmony Books, 2010) p. 189-197.

UFOs Close Encounters, National Press Club Conference, Washington DC, November 12, 2007 - Rodrigo Bravo Garrido's Statement:

UFO Updates, Richard Hall on National Press Club Press Conference, November 12, 2007

OpenMinds - Chilean Army officer publishes book on pilot UFO cases

Rodrigo Bravo Garrido's twitter:

Rodrigo Bravo Garrido's Facebook:

Rodrigo Bravo Garrido's Book:
Ufologia Aeronautica

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