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Chris Rutkowski 2/5/12

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Paranormal Adept
The Chris Rutowski interview was an interesting show. Although he has written several books, he didn't appear to be selling anything, or pushing an agenda, product or belief system. I enjoyed hearing his perspective as a scientist and that was willing objectively able to consider the possibilities and then examine and follow the evidence.

I was glad to hear Chris O ask him about the value of further Roswell re-examination. The whole Roswell investigation hinges a premise that may be false, that something was hidden by the US government. In my opinion, there has been more than enough UFOlogists energy spent, and the shaft is mined dry. I'd much rather see those resources used elsewhere in search of new discoveries.

Chris Rutowski's review of the famous Canadian cases was good, and it would be good to hear him discuss other historical cases in further detail. He'd also make an excellent scientific panelist, should you need one for a special UFO discussion or debate show.
We like Chris and his gentle sense of humor. He'll definitely be back. Waiting nearly five years for his second appearance was far, far, too long.
I enjoyed the episode as well. What Mr. Rutkowski had to say about the abduction phenomenon made a lot of sense. My one or two semesters of psychology classes never prepared me for the idea of people who can dissociated themselves from reality like that. The human mind can create an entire history complete with details after a traumatic event and walk around not even knowing it. The concept is amazing and reminds me of the movie "Shutter Island". I would imagine a person under this delusion could be a potential danger to themselves or others if "woken up" at the wrong time.

What's really sad is these people are sick and need to be focusing on reality and not aliens. It makes me stop and think ufology could be causing more harm then good? Maybe J&C could have a psychologist on the show to delve into this concept more? Great show guys.
Great show.

I would disagree with Chris though, the Edwin Furer circles looked more like classic saucer nests than modern complex crop circles.

Very enjoyable. You were really up to scratch, especially Gene. I also liked the K.K. confession and the story about the gorgeous fashion designer and the million dollar chip (...for some reason, I pictured that like a scene from a James Bond movie, with Chris in a tuxedo and the lady standing in front of her private jet, I have no idea why...).

Mr. Rutkowski really seems to be the kind of UFO researcher I like to hear from, open but not entirely unsceptical, knows his stuff, well spoken, looks at other explanations and what science has to say. Of his three best Canadian cases I found the UFO highway one the most interesting. Probably because I hadn't heard of it before, I have to confess, but the more than 35 witnesses along the road, living quite a way apart and independently reporting the same thing... that's amazing.

I had to google that immediately:

Watching that, I would very much like to try to live there, at least for a while. Buy me a camera and some equipment first, of course, just in case something shows up. :D

The Shag Harbour incident is indeed the "better Roswell", methinks, if only because the water hasn't been muddied by myth and money making. And the Michalak sighting I find the weakest of these three, because it all depends on the credibiliy of one witness. Why or how he should have gotten the burns and the medical condition he was in, other than how he reported it, though, is absolutely beyond me.
that was a great show. I appreciated Chris' openmind about the ufo phenomenon. I have several books from him, have already read one, and am currently reading one on abductions. I do appreciate his ponderate but openminded views, and his clear and methodic style of writing. nice that he'll be back in the show