Skilled Investigator
I recently went to see my son in his school christmas play. I spent the morning at work mentally preparing myself for another poor adaptation of the christmas story regarding Jesus & Mary etc etc.... What I did not expect was a story where aliens crash land on a school and for the teacher to invite them in and teach them about the message of Jesus and christianity...
This whole set up fascinated me. Why would a school be attempting to tell the story of Jesus - who if he existed was more a philosopher than the actual son of a supposed God - while also promoting the idea of e.t's, an idea that would be scoffed at during a normal school term?
Answers/ thoughts on a postcard please.......
This whole set up fascinated me. Why would a school be attempting to tell the story of Jesus - who if he existed was more a philosopher than the actual son of a supposed God - while also promoting the idea of e.t's, an idea that would be scoffed at during a normal school term?
Answers/ thoughts on a postcard please.......