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Close Encounter of a Media Kind

Free episodes:

Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
A couple of weeks ago, I was flown to LA by Tracy Torme and James Fox for a sit down interview at a Culver City/Hollywood studio. They even had a makeup artist (as if THAT would help moi :)

Here's a few shots:

The Hot Seat
Moi and one of my heros, Ann Druffel
James Fox looking at the original Rex Heflin/Santa Ana 1965 polaroid photos
John Alexander pondering the scene w/ an "orb" looking on

the hot seat.jpg

Ann Druffel LA.jpg


I hope it turns out really well Chris. Considering your experience, why not do a production of your own and put it up on Ivolve TV? I'm sure you could do a better job than the Moons.
...why not do a production of your own and put it up on Ivolve TV? I'm sure you could do a better job than the Moons.[../quote]
After the mute book is at the printer this Fall, I'll be ready for a vacation. After that, I have lotz 2 do...a video project of my own? Sounds like FUN! I've got lotz of dead cow footage—hmmm
Wow--Some people have all the fun !

One look at that scary apparatus in the first pic would have me whimpering like a puppy and singing like a canary :eek: Seriously, looks like an experience most of us would dearly love to have. As for your making a video, I second the motion. :)