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Close Encounters Between Pilots and UFOs (Special Radio Event)

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Paranormal Adept
Dear colleagues,

After three week of intensive production I am happy to announce special radio event that will be broadcast at October 19, 2012 (Friday) over Croatian State Radio 2 from 09:30 to 11:30 h (07:30 to 09:30 UTC Time).

Radio Station: Croatian State Radio 2
Streaming Link: http://www.hrt.hr/streamf/PROGRAM2
Title: Close Encounters Between Pilots and UFOs
Show: Hungry Ears
Program will present compilation of interviews with high ranking air force officers and officials of civilian aviation that were collected during last 16 years. New exclusive interviews will be aired. Program will be focused at military operations that monitored UFOs events over former Yugoslavia. Cases of aerial anomalies, pilot sightings, scrambled airplanes, aerial dogfights and radar-visual cases will be discussed. All cases happened during 1970s and 1980s within borders of
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the country that was dissolved in 1992

Special guests: journalist Giuliano Marinkovic and Mr. Sc. Josip Milosevic (master of aeronautics)

New exclusive interviews with some archived statements:

Colonel Milan Macek, ret. (one of the founders of Croatian Air Force - former chief of Croatian Air Force headquarters)
Lt. Col. Dragutin Prepust, ret. (Air Force)
Lt. Col. Trifko Radeta, ret. (Air Force)
Aldo Matic, former platoon commander of Radar station Kacarevo
Zlatko Veres, former chief of Air Traffic Control of former Yugoslavia
Dobroslav Dzeba, former civilian Pan-Adria Pilot
Damir Bokunic, former anti-aircraft 20/3 mm gun marksman at Airport Batajnica, Belgrade

Event organized by:
Giuliano Marinkovic
Former military intelligence SIGINT operator, Croatian Army
ufology, I was wondering the exact same thing myself. This does sound excellent as pilot reports are typically some of the most concise and thorough observational accounts one is apt to come across. However, my own Croatian and/or Yugoslavian language skills, well...lets just say I have none.

The initial post reminded me of something a recent Billy Cox article pointed me to.

Maybe bring back disco? | De Void

A truly excellent account via the above average reporting at NARCAP in Technical Report 15 NARCAP National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena
Sounds excellent. Will it be in English? Will there be a way to get an MP3 of the show?

Unfortunately no :( It will be in Croatian language. However, when I catch some time I will probably write overview of the event. I will left my PC at home to record while I am on the radio so mp3 will be archived. Stay tuned.

Best Wishes
Ditto to everything - would be very interested in even a basic translation of main points/revelations!

Funny to not that the Kevin Smith show started in Kosovo of all places when Kevin worked there as a training police officer.
Unfortunately no :( It will be in Croatian language. However, when I catch some time I will probably write overview of the event. I will left my PC at home to record while I am on the radio so mp3 will be archived. Stay tuned.
Best Wishes

Is there speech to text for Croatian out there anyplace? A transcript would be great to have as a resource.
Perhaps we have a member from that region that speaks Serbo-Croat? ?Shit, I kinda fell out with a beautiful Serbian girl recently - she could have done it! Double Damn! (and not about the show - I was in there).
If we can get a transcript we can run it through the translators pretty easily. I think USI has a couple of members over there too. But I'm not sure if they're still in the database or up to date. Anyway. If you can get us a decent MP3 or even better a transcript ( even in Croatian ), we can find a way to work with it.
Have been very busy. However, here is the whole show (unfortunately in Croatian):
Radio emisija Gladne usi Hr 2 NLO 18.10.2012

For now, one glimpse on one of the cases covered in the show, can be found in my interview from October 1, 2000 (13 years ago) in the show Strange Days Indeed (small portion extracted). Link is below. In the mean time, I was able to dig much futher and find new unknown details about the case in question (1977) and that process is still ongoing (16 years and counting). The case turns out to be very multilayered with fatal outcome. Former chief of Air Traffic Control of former Yugoslavia also steped forward in our show. I do have a plan to put together some kind of english presentation in the future but there is no ETA for now. Here is the show from 2000 in English which was a prologue for the recent croatian show:

SDI-2000-10-01-Giuliano.Marinkovic.Air.Dogfights.Yu.mp3 - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
(short excpert from 2-hour show)
Dear colleagues.

During last 19 months I didn't had too much time for mailing list updates as
I was working a lot behind the scenes with my contacts and leads. Here are
finally some updates.

Back in October 2012 I organized special radio event where former high
ranking military and civilian aviation experts testified about their
knowledge of UFO phenomena from the era of former Yugoslavia:
C.E.s Between Pilots & UFOs Radio Special
Radio emisija Gladne usi Hr 2 NLO 18.10.2012

Public was able to learn about the military operations of Yugoslav Air Force
against UFOs. It was a compilation of 18 years of my discussions with former
officials and pilots where the length of audio interviews within my personal
archives is now over 40 hours long (length of video interviews is not
included in that estimate which is also high).

That show at the end caused many breakthroughs. Other aviations officials
were able to hear that such events can be presented in serious and
factographic manner. Broadcast opened the door for contacts with other
former officials thanks to personal recommendations and leads that I

This region of Southeast Europe is in the specific situation. Yugoslavia was
a federation which consisted of 6 six socialist republics. It is no more.
Former republics are now independent states which mean that there is no
administrative continuation of the previous federal government. The final
results of such historical circumstances mean that is no restrictions to
discuss military incidents that involved UFOs during former administration.
Of course, the first step was to determine was there any such incidents in
the first place. That question was resolved few years ago. Those incidents

Another breakthrough happened back in 2011 when inside ceremonial room of
the Serbian Air Force and Air Defense Headquarters, special monograph book
'172nd Aviation Regiment' by retired general Djuro Stupar was promoted.
Official monograph of that unit also has a chapter that deals specifically
with military UFO incidents that happened back in January 1975 above former
Titograd in Montenegro. I can report that I have finally located and
interviewed MIG-21 pilots of Yugoslav Air Force that were on special mission
to intercept and shoot down UFOs during those incidents.

I am happy to announce that second special radio event is going to be
broadcast tomorrow on May 1, 2014 (Thursday) over Croatian State Radio 2
from 11:30 to 12:30 h (09:30 to 10:30 UTC Time).

Radio Station: Croatian State Radio 2

Streaming Link:
[In Croatian Language]
Title: Yugoslav Air Force vs. UFOs - part 2
Show: Hungry Ears

Subject: Program will present compilation of interviews with high ranking
Air Force officers and officials of civilian aviation that were collected
during the last 18 years from my personal archives.

New exclusive interviews will be aired.

The program will focus on military operations against UFOs above former
Yugoslavia. Cases of aerial anomalies, pilot sightings, scrambled airplanes,
aerial dogfights and radar-visual cases will be discussed. Cases happened
during 1970s within the borders of the former Socialist Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, the country that was dissolved in 1992.

New exclusive interviews with some archived statements:

Dobroslav Dzeba, former civilian Pan-Adria Pilot (The Pan Adria Incident)

Stanko Naletilic, Flight engineer (The Pan Adria Incident)

Zlatko Veres, former chief of Air Traffic Control of former Yugoslavia (Pan
Adria Incident)

Colonel Milan Macek, ret. - a founder of the Croatian Air Force & former
chief of Croatian Air Force (172nd Aviation Regiment Incident)

2 MIG-21 pilots that were on the special mission to intercept and shoot down
UFOs (172nd Aviation Regiment Incident)

Other scheduled events:

May 6, 2014 - 20:15 h CET - Show Zenzibar - Radio Rijeka

September 2014 - 3 TV specials - Yugoslav Air Force vs. UFOs - Croatian
Television (150 minutes)

Events organized by:

Giuliano Marinkovic - Former military intelligence SIGINT Operator and
former communication specialist of Aerial Observing and Navigation -
Croatian Army and Croatian Air Force
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Sounds interesting and hope we can find an English translation somewhere. My fluency in Croatian is, uh... a little weak.
After my second special radio event, Billy Cox decided to write an article about one of the presented aeronautical incidents of Yugoslav Air Force that I compiled. You can read his article here:
Sympathy for the hounds

I have currently moved from Croatia to another country and I am now processing my archives of these cases collected over 18 years.
There will be more data in the future.

Best wishes.
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