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Colonel Weinbrenner Death Bed Testimony

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Colonel George Weinbrenner was the Chief of the Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base Air Materiel Command (AMC) for a period of seven years during the 1960s and 1970s. He was responsible for providing leadership and expertise to the Air Force and to the intelligence community on matters relating to the analysis of Soviet (or other enemy state) aircraft, missiles or similar technologies that came into the possession of the United States. He helped lead ATIC and he retired as Commander of Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, TX after decades of decorated service to our country.

His name has emerged three times in relation to the subject of UFOs over the decades: in the 1970s, 1990s and lastly in 2010. This final word from him on the matter was made after he was long-retired, near death and free to speak the truth. And this is when he identified “Utah” as vital to confirming that ET has crashed to Earth.
One more "death-bed confession" on the same old theme is never going to convince skeptics, and does not come anywhere near constituting what we might call "proof."

Truth is in the eye of the whistleblower. This is interesting, but hardly groundbreaking news. But, it is another thread in the overall tapestry.
On my death bed, through cracked papery lips, I'm going to confirm that the infamous popcorn profiteer Orville Reddenbacker was in fact a Reptillian.

Come on, really? Couldn't he be a little more specific.... "Utah." "Is vital." Umm, could we get a longitude and lattitude for Christ sake?
On my death bed, through cracked papery lips, I'm going to confirm that the infamous popcorn profiteer Orville Reddenbacker was in fact a Reptillian.

Come on, really? Couldn't he be a little more specific.... "Utah." "Is vital." Umm, could we get a longitude and lattitude for Christ sake?

Laughing my ass off
Shades of Phillip Corso....and about as beleivable. Where is the lon/lat? Or a video with details? I'd accept a handwritten confession, as long as it had facts that could be verified.
The world of unexplained aerial phenomena....so little fact,...so much horseshit. It's not a wonder so many people are turned off by it.