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Paranormal Novice
I have discussed, or more likely complained, about the new show format. I read all you comments and thought I would like to come back and listen again. A few things I would like to see/hear, and I know it is your show so I am not demanding anything, has been mentioned before...maybe have more far left/ far right debates..no not politics, but true believers and true skeptics and have a great debate over the facts...maybe put in a 5-10 minutes wrap up between you and the co-host at the end of the show, I always liked that...

Just my thoughts and thanks for the time and effort you put into your show..
I do like the wrap up. The true believer and the debunker debate I can do without. Neither one will listen and you will end up with a Larry King cross talk pile of crap (imho) :-) However, having a rational skeptic such as Ben Radford and then a rational believer in the (for instance) afterlife such as Chris Carter. A George Knapp and then a Kevin Randle or some kind of mix can be interesting. However, to be honest the show is "paranormally driven" Well, mostly ufo shows but some classic paranormal. So, an occassional skeptic is a good thing but a point/counterpoint mix as a constant would (imo) not be condusive to this type show. After all (and no this is not a shot) you don't see James Randi giving courteous and equal time to believers in his format. You know why? Well, one reason is it would bog down the process and detract from the message he (right or wrong) is trying to get across. Likewise if this show is to investigate the "paranormal" a constant NONONONONONONONONONOOOOO! from professional debunkers would also bog this one down. Still, more shows like the Radford episode are a plus. But a cross talk argument? NONONNOONONOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :-)
I have discussed, or more likely complained, about the new show format. I read all you comments and thought I would like to come back and listen again. A few things I would like to see/hear, and I know it is your show so I am not demanding anything, has been mentioned before...maybe have more far left/ far right debates..no not politics, but true believers and true skeptics and have a great debate over the facts...maybe put in a 5-10 minutes wrap up between you and the co-host at the end of the show, I always liked that...

Just my thoughts and thanks for the time and effort you put into your show..

What we've been doing is to record an introduction to most shows where we wrap up previous episodes and talk about other issues. The reason we are focusing on the pre-game discussion is that we don't think we need to tell you listeners how to think. You can make up your minds about an episode, then hear what we have concluded about it.
Which worked remarkably well so far, at least in my opinion. No cellphone 'dude' from South America again though, please.
What we've been doing is to record an introduction to most shows where we wrap up previous episodes and talk about other issues. The reason we are focusing on the pre-game discussion is that we don't think we need to tell you listeners how to think. You can make up your minds about an episode, then hear what we have concluded about it.

Its unfortunate some people 'need' to hear what to be told. I like the shows structure, but hadnt quite enjoyed the fervor of some topics, which seemed elementary at best like the mufon director stepping down, or that woman talking about abductions, the chemistry just didn't flow right in those episodes. But hey, i know it doesnt always... Keep up the good work.
Yes, if you are into stories told by a a seemingly deluded man. That's what I got out of the second part (the first 'hour' was really interesting actually), disagree if you will, luckily noone can break opinions just yet.