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Compilation of recent UFO videos...

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Paranormal Adept

I know the title is pretty goofy and just to be clear, I don't endorse the idea of the return of the Annunaki, but I do know that people here love UFO videos so I figured I'd post this up anyway. Some very interesting videos, including videos of strange lights in the sky from my hometown of Cleveland that are strikingly similar to lights I saw in the same exact place many years ago. So check it out, in spite of its goofy name and probably equally goofy theories about what is happening. I haven't watched the whole thing myself yet but the first 15 minutes has some interesting videos to be sure.
The whole orb thing is pretty interesting itself. I am really annoyed that I've never heard even a good guess as to what size they are? I mean, a foot in diameter, 10ft? more?

Am I right in thinking they are definitely a more modern phenomena? Although there were reports of orbs going right back in ufology, surely nothing like these days? As I see it, the modern orb age may have started with the flotilla sightings in Mexico, tho I am happy to be corrected.
The whole orb thing is pretty interesting itself. I am really annoyed that I've never heard even a good guess as to what size they are? I mean, a foot in diameter, 10ft? more?

Am I right in thinking they are definitely a more modern phenomena? Although there were reports of orbs going right back in ufology, surely nothing like these days? As I see it, the modern orb age may have started with the flotilla sightings in Mexico, tho I am happy to be corrected.

That's a good question though I'll have to defer to one of our ufology experts for the answer. What I personally saw, I thought was triangular though I suppose it could have been 3 orbs in a triangular formation. I'm about 1/2 hour into the video now and so far, other than some crop circles and Sumerian artifact photos, there's been nothing about the Annunaki, just a lot of interesting UFO footage. Definitely worth watching in my opinion.
I was one who kinda like 'UFO Hunters' and they did a show in England. One of the people they featured had shot night-time video of 3 orbs in a changing equilateral formation and if I remember correctly, they worked out on a computer that it could have been a solid triangular object of a fair size, with the orbs (lights) at each point. The movement as seen on the video could have been such an object moving about in the sky, giving the impression of a differing triangular shape.
There was no way to say for sure if it was an actual object or individual orbs, but if it wasn't a solid object, it almost makes the orbs' dance in the sky more interesting, cos it would then possibly mean that the control of the orbs was calculated to give the impression of a solid object. Because there would be many ways the orbs could have moved that would have been inconsistent with them being attached to a solid triangular object, if you understand my explanation.

Either way, orbs pretending to be a triangular craft, or an actual craft, it certainly shows a very high level of intelligent control that could only really be interpreted as a display for those watching. I mean, why pretend with 3 lights to be a solid craft if no-one is watching?

Someday I'd love to hear of a rich ufo-enthusiast, getting an opportunity to jump into his private helicopter, and tell the pilot, 'follow those orbs!'
Just having the means to speed directly toward these things, day or night, to get close enough to make out their appreciable size or shape would be invaluable.
Someday I'd love to hear of a rich ufo-enthusiast, getting an opportunity to jump into his private helicopter, and tell the pilot, 'follow those orbs!'
Just having the means to speed directly toward these things, day or night, to get close enough to make out their appreciable size or shape would be invaluable.

It could be interesting, but I've heard of similar kinds of cases involving the military where pilots have attempted to approach or follow anomalous lights in the sky and had no success getting close enough to make a 100% positive ID. One could speculate that since the planes they were flying were essentially combat ready, that whatever is operating these craft is simply looking to protect itself, which imo speaks to them being intelligently controlled as well. I wonder if an approach by an aircraft that wasn't equipped to blow the UFO out of the sky would produce the same result? At any rate, all we can do is speculate until we obtain better evidence, though I think instead of trying to chase one down a better approach might be to get some high powered cameras and try to photograph the object while maintaining your distance, though if they were sufficiently bright that might not work very well either. It's a conundrum to be sure, part of me thinks that the UFO mystery is going to remain a mystery as long as whoever or whatever is possibly piloting these things wants it to.