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Like Feynman infers in the interview I posted, it's not that the questions are bad questions. They can be excellent questions. However unless we have a clearer understanding of the different contexts that I ( and the article ) are talking about, we can find ourselves answering "why" type questions with "how" type answers, and the result will either be a dead-end or make no sense. This is the point I've been trying to get across.

I'll have to get to that later ( assuming you're genuinely interested ). Sometimes I get the feeling we're just trading points and counterpoints without actually applying the process to the problem.

No problem.

I am sure from an evolutionary perspective that it's completely safe to assume consciousness must be beneficial, at least in the manner we've already discussed, not simply just because we have it, but because of the functions mentioned. Whether or not some other system could perform the same functions non-consciously is beside the point, because the functions are beneficial either way. That however doesn't mean consciousness doesn't have limitations.
