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Contact in the Desert 2017

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Paranormal Novice
Today is the start of CITD 2017. I have been going back and forth for awhile trying to decide whether to go or not.

On one hand, the desert isn't that far a drive and it would be fun to go to a new event just to check it out. I pictured a plush hotel and spa in my minds eye.

On the flip side, the cost was over $200 for a ticket which allows you to hear all the speakers that day. I really don't want to see all the speakers. If I had to choose, Jacques Vallee is my favorite to see in person.

Why don't they just let you pay per lecture? Hopefully there will be DVDs of the talks for purchase later. If anyone goes, I'd love to hear what it was like!
Today is the start of CITD 2017. I have been going back and forth for awhile trying to decide whether to go or not.

On one hand, the desert isn't that far a drive and it would be fun to go to a new event just to check it out. I pictured a plush hotel and spa in my minds eye.

On the flip side, the cost was over $200 for a ticket which allows you to hear all the speakers that day. I really don't want to see all the speakers. If I had to choose, Jacques Vallee is my favorite to see in person.

Why don't they just let you pay per lecture? Hopefully there will be DVDs of the talks for purchase later. If anyone goes, I'd love to hear what it was like!

Go! Take a smart phone or audio recorder and try to interview interesting people!
Go! Take a smart phone or audio recorder and try to interview interesting people!

I almost did but the decision has been made for me. My doggie, a sweet Lab, is not feeling well so I might have to take him to the vet. It's harder to travel when you have a dog, they are like your baby.

I've decided to check it out next year for sure and have a sitter on standby just in case!
Today is the start of CITD 2017. I have been going back and forth for awhile trying to decide whether to go or not. On the flip side, the cost was over $200 for a ticket which allows you to hear all the speakers that day. I really don't want to see all the speakers. If I had to choose, Jacques Vallee is my favorite to see in person. If anyone goes, I'd love to hear what it was like!
A lot of people walked out on Vallee which was a shame. He can drone on. All in all, I found the conference so-so, I won't go again. To be fair, whenever you want to talk about channeled ET communicators/communication, the last place to have these discussions is at a meeting where people spend most, if not all of their time, chasing the "authenticity" of shaky videos UFO and/or writing books about the speculation or theorization of ET.
A lot of people walked out on Vallee which was a shame. He can drone on. All in all, I found the conference so-so, I won't go again.

Thanks for the update. The people that walked out were probably there for the entertaining showmen vs. the scientific minded speakers. Since his strong suit is computer science, you have to expect there will be lot of statistical data.
Thanks for the update. The people that walked out were probably there for the entertaining showmen vs. the scientific minded speakers. Since his strong suit is computer science, you have to expect there will be lot of statistical data.
I agree. The average age of the conference attender was prolly 45+ so it wasn't an age difference thing. MOF, I could count the number of attendees under 35 on my hands. Tellinger is a nice guy, we got to talk alone for awhile but his Ubuntu thing is not of my interest.

Vallee only spoke for 45m so it wasn't that he was long-winded, just technical. If you would like access to audio I collected at the conference, drop me an email.
Was the entire CITD another Corey Goode and David Wilcock promotion like last year? Seems like this was the major draw in the main "ballroom" and everyone else was a lounge act. As many have predicted, Exopolitics (which The Paracast ignores) is the cutting/growing edge of ufology, like it or not. While I find it all distasteful, another religious belief system that we do not need, it seems to be what draws crowds now. I love reading Jacques Vallee's books, but find his accent unpleasant, which detracts from the message. That might be slightly part of the problem with audience attention span. The average mob at the conference wants to be entertained, not educated.
Was the entire CITD another Corey Goode and David Wilcock promotion like last year? Seems like this was the major draw in the main "ballroom" and everyone else was a lounge act.

I can see that point of view but I am not a fan of either of them but in an effort to be as open as possible, I attended their presentations and recorded them and the follow-on discussion panels they participated.

As many have predicted, Exopolitics (which The Paracast ignores) is the cutting/growing edge of ufology, like it or not. While I find it all distasteful, another religious belief system that we do not need, it seems to be what draws crowds now.

Ufology as it is known (on this forum at least) has been spinning in a non-evolving circle for decades. People are tired of the lack of results and the close-mindedness, pure fraudulence, of much of modern day ufology. They are looking for new ideas and concepts that support, not question, the reality of ET communications and presence (yes, as in "now on Earth"). This is where the evolution of collective consciousness is moving, rapidly, as it ahould as we move closer and closer to te fact of first, hard, contact.

I love reading Jacques Vallee's books, but find his accent unpleasant, which detracts from the message. That might be slightly part of the problem with audience attention span. The average mob at the conference wants to be entertained, not educated.

Yes they do.And they were in the right place, there wasn't much in terms of education available at CITD.
I agree. The average age of the conference attender was prolly 45+ so it wasn't an age difference thing. MOF, I could count the number of attendees under 35 on my hands. Tellinger is a nice guy, we got to talk alone for awhile but his Ubuntu thing is not of my interest.

Vallee only spoke for 45m so it wasn't that he was long-winded, just technical. If you would like access to audio I collected at the conference, drop me an email.

I'd like a copy of that recording, but I can't find your email. Thank you.
MOF, I could count the number of attendees under 35 on my hands. Tellinger is a nice guy, we got to talk alone for awhile but his Ubuntu thing is not of my interest.

If you would like access to audio I collected at the conference, drop me an email.

Hi Waller, I think if the younger kids wanted to go, they would have. Just look at the turnout for Burning Man and the Electric Daisy thing in Las Vegas. I bet they mostly believe after all the popular alien movies they've grown up with.

That is really nice of you to offer a view of your video. I would love to take you up on that if it's not too much trouble! :-) Thank you!
Hi Waller, I think if the younger kids wanted to go, they would have. Just look at the turnout for Burning Man and the Electric Daisy thing in Las Vegas. I bet they mostly believe after all the popular alien movies they've grown up with.

A few (not many) are pretty doggone good representations of factions of the ET community (Close Encounters, Arrival, others) and yes, you are correct. Their interest is not in "Gosh, what are UFOs" but more inclined to "Where and who are the ETs?".

They have grown up with channeling as the art it is and are much more in tune with the mediums channeling ET than my age group fer sure (over 55). They have a greater confidence in their ability to discern and are much, much braver in terms of so-called "exposing oneself to gullibilities" because, frankly, they don't give a flying act of intercourse what anyone else thinks about the paths thay have chosen (in life and pre-birth).

That is really nice of you to offer a view of your video. I would love to take you up on that if it's not too much trouble! :) Thank you!

No trouble drop me a PM with your email. I don't have any videos but I do have 1.6g of audio files of CITD for anyone who wants access to them. :)
I tried but am getting a msg that says "Can't send conversation to Waller" ??
Not sure if it's some setting or if I should ask Gene.
