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Could Disclosure = "game over"

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Stagger Lee

Paranormal Adept
I've thought about this theory of mine, and wonder if there may be anything to it.
Perhaps the reason why these "visitors" remain so elusive- as well as our military carrying on with their apparent "indifference" and denial of visitation... What IF the masses suddenly became aware, through disclosure, of the fact that highly advanced creatures have been monitoring our species, these past hundreds/thousands of years. We've all discussed different scenarios, from the collapse of current financial systems as well as religious institutions. (The Vatican has at least prepared catholics to accept the idea)
What concerns me? Would full "disclosure" mean the termination of "project earth?"

The "natives" have become wise towards our agenda- The time has come to collapse the entire simulation of the human experience.(some Alien council's decision)
While this is all just specutation on my part. I can't help but wonder if govt disclosure could lead to the end of "project earth" -if indeed, we are some advanced species social/biological project.
What concerns me? Would full "disclosure" mean the termination of "project earth?"

If aliens have invested so much for so long in "project earth" you'd think they'd be a lot more careful, so governments wouldn't have enough of a case to disclose. For example, don't chase after jets or leave any physical traces.

I can't help but wonder if govt disclosure could lead to the end of "project earth" -if indeed, we are some advanced species social/biological project.

I doubt aliens created our species. We had plenty of natural precursors like Australopithecus and Homo erectus.
What concerns me? Would full "disclosure" mean the termination of "project earth?"

It would definitely be an existential shock. And our actual fate from that point on would depend on who is disclosing... the aliens themselves or our own governments.

Worst option: Our governments disclosing that we have been observed for thousands of years and we have no clue as to intent. Fear and paranoia come to mind. Adding an external potential foe from outside the earth whose intent is unknown on top of earthly threats coming from rogue states would drive any general crazy. Defense budgets would go out of control paying for space-based detectors, nukes and lasers... whatever we can throw at them to keep them away lol. I can now see the value of something like the NIF pointing to an object slowing down to orbit around our planet ;)
World’s Most Powerful Laser has the Energy of a Hydrogen Bomb

If the aliens show up on stage then either they need slaves or they want to invite us to a galactic community.... or simply take the time to say goodbye as they zap us from existence (yeah right LOL).
The slave option is ridiculous (robots anyone)... leaving us with a galactic community which would obviously be advanced way beyond anything we can imagine.

At best we could be the recipients of advanced tech which would dramatically transform our culture. Definitely the end of the 'current' project earth and the beginning of a very different road for many of us.

European settlers traded 'guns and steel' with native Americans... I seriously doubt alien settlers could trade anything humans could wrap their minds around unless these aliens were relatively low tech and approaching earth in a makeshift kind of Ark having escaped their home planet before some catastrophic event in their solar system. Would make for a great novel by the way !!
If aliens have invested so much for so long in "project earth" you'd think they'd be a lot more careful, so governments wouldn't have enough of a case to disclose. For example, don't chase after jets or leave any physical traces. I doubt aliens created our species. We had plenty of natural precursors like Australopithecus and Homo erectus.

There is little doubt the Earth has been visited by UFOs. Even if I hadn't seen one myself, I still wouldn't think nobody else has. Beyond that however, we don't know for sure what involvement the aliens have had. It may be that they've been tinkering with evolution on Earth for a long time, even long before humans, and maybe they're still doing it today. Although we know that evolution is supported by considerable evidence, it hasn't explained everything. There remains an as yet unexplained leap in human brain development that in evolutionary time is like evolving a biological supercomputer processor overnight. There are some theories that offer explanations for how this happened, usually involving some sort of "spontaneous mutation". I've been through all this with the skeptics and they can produce no evidence to explain with any certainty how it happened or why it could not have involved some kind of genetic tinkering. Of course we also have no evidence to conclude with any certainty that any genetic modification actually took place. Maybe it was just a "spontaneous mutation" based on some quasi-dormant biochemical predisposition. I just find that idea a bit hard accept without further evidence because of the level of complexity involved. In contrast, genetic engineering could account for it quite easily.

All we know for certain is that it doesn't fit standard evolutionary theory which usually maintains that evolution is "glacially slow" with only very small changes taking place over very long time spans, often millions of years. We also know that following this sudden leap in brain evolution, we developed our creation myths, some of which describe the entities our ancestors took to be Gods, and who had a hand in our creation. Myths like eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and suddenly having our eyes opened parallel this evolutionary anomaly where our higher brain functions suddenly appeared, enabling us to process and understand abstract concepts. I find it all quite intriguing. But returning to the original question; if there is any truth to alien intervention and it were disclosed, would that bring an end to "Project Earth"? I tend to doubt it. Perhaps things might change for "Project People", but to paraphrase a couple of sources, "Mankind may come or go, but Earth Abides".
"Project People" is a better way of putting it, vs "Project Earth" - I can't help but wonder what kind of change would occur, if suddenly, billions of people became aware of what many in this forum believe to be true. Perhaps it would be some type of mass awakening? Where the pursuit of wealth is no longer the driving force? Or, would billions just shrug their shoulders and go about their daily routine?
"Project People" is a better way of putting it, vs "Project Earth" - I can't help but wonder what kind of change would occur, if suddenly, billions of people became aware of what many in this forum believe to be true. Perhaps it would be some type of mass awakening? Where the pursuit of wealth is no longer the driving force? Or, would billions just shrug their shoulders and go about their daily routine?

Depending on who you get the statistics from, most people already believe we've been visited by aliens, but we also still have to go about our daily routine. What else can we do? Certain people with goobs of money have tried to take a proactive approach by trying to figure out UFO propulsion ( Bigelow ), but they're too far inside their own ketchup bottle to really make the most of it. For example he wants "outside the box thinkers" but only hires people who are trained inside a big box to think inside the box. He won't even look at a résumé from a ufologist ( I know because I went to his site and checked the submission requirements ).
Well, over the years I have often thought about disclosure and what that might mean. Now, perhaps I am cynical .. perhaps not .. okay I am cynical .. and my years watching this little sandpile have convinced me that most folks involved in this game don't have a clue. The majority of them could not even buy a vowel. The ones that do act like they have a clue ... you know the names ... are probably full of shit too. So, who really does? The President? Doubt it. The Secretary of Defense? Doubt it also. The Joint Chiefs of Staff? NOPE. So who? In my very very humble opinion this stuff .. providing of course any of it is real ... was farmed out to government contracted industry a Looooong time ago. You know, the guys that work on above top secret government projects. For example ... let me suggest folks like (and this is an example cause I don't have a clue) what Lockhead did with projects like (back in the say) the SR 71 aircraft. If anyone did pick up a downed saucer or whatever, you bet your bippy somebody like that got it. Why? Well if someone dropped a FOIA on them they would use it to wipe their .... well you get the idea. Guys like Greer or Steve Bassett are simply playing with themselves if they believe they will EVER make a difference. Never happen in 10,000 years. I don't see the subject ever seeing the light of day ... ever. So, why do I play around the edges these days? Well, like a very wise favorite Uncle of mine once said to me ....

"ACE, (that was his nickname for me) whiskey and women can be too damned expensive but ... EVERYBODY GOTTA HAVE A HOBBY ...."

In a sense, disclosure has already happened. High ranking people have already admitted that UFOs are real, and in some cases even seen one themselves. Way back in the 50s Ruppelt told us about the original Project Sign Estimate of the Situation ( that UFOs are interplanetary ). Plus there are all the regular folks who already know the truth because they have seen one for themselves. The problem is that most people don't take it seriously until they have a UFO experience themselves. Only then does it really sink in.
"Project People" is a better way of putting it, vs "Project Earth" - I can't help but wonder what kind of change would occur, if suddenly, billions of people became aware of what many in this forum believe to be true. Perhaps it would be some type of mass awakening? Where the pursuit of wealth is no longer the driving force? Or, would billions just shrug their shoulders and go about their daily routine?

A few things would change but we still need to feed ourselves.

The most significant change would be replacing any existing 'Earth-centric' human supremacist delusions by a relativist and more balanced view of ourselves which would immediately debase many religions/sects. For most humans, it should be business as usual until a civilization from another solar system decides to forcefully interfere or impose their will on earthly societies (extremely low probability).

For the military, its a whole different and insanely expensive ball game. Having to add protection from potential off-world threats to its mandate would tax current societies (only 100 years into the aerospace tech era) beyond imagination... thus the best justification for any cover-up.
For the military, its a whole different and insanely expensive ball game. Having to add protection from potential off-world threats to its mandate would tax current societies (only 100 years into the aerospace tech era) beyond imagination... thus the best justification for any cover-up.

On the flip side of that, if disclosure justifies defense spending and higher taxes, you'd think they would have done it a long time ago.
On the flip side of that, if disclosure justifies defense spending and higher taxes, you'd think they would have done it a long time ago.

I doubt any defense strategy conceived using our current technology would be any threat to a civilization with the capability to visit us. Resistance is futile ;)

So, in the end, disclosure is pure terror. The ultimate realization that the human race is totally defenseless and vulnerable at this specific moment in its development. The idea that they can visit us but we can't visit them is the same nightmare that native Americans faced 400 years ago.
I doubt any defense strategy conceived using our current technology would be any threat to a civilization with the capability to visit us. Resistance is futile ;)

So, in the end, disclosure is pure terror. The ultimate realization that the human race is totally defenseless and vulnerable at this specific moment in its development. The idea that they can visit us but we can't visit them is the same nightmare that native Americans faced 400 years ago.

The Thunder Well is a way for us primitives to launch a serious attack on orbiting mother ships.
Slide to around 7:45

The Thunder Well is a way for us primitives to launch a serious attack on orbiting mother ships.
Slide to around 7:45

Excellent video ! Great to hear PHDs actually trying to wrap their brains around the possibility of an alien invasion.

Send high mass high velocity projectiles (thunder well) is an interesting last ditch effort... However, these things need time to set up. Not to mention funding, testing... Would have to be covert and there is no guarantee it would actually work. It could be one of many tools though. (laser, nukes,.. Etc)

At least we would have tried.
Excellent video ! Great to hear PHDs actually trying to wrap their brains around the possibility of an alien invasion.

Send high mass high velocity projectiles (thunder well) is an interesting last ditch effort... However, these things need time to set up. Not to mention funding, testing... Would have to be covert and there is no guarantee it would actually work. It could be one of many tools though. (laser, nukes,.. Etc)

At least we would have tried.

Good points ... I think targeting could be a serious challenge ... not to mention that we're dismantling our nuclear stockpiles. But it's a cool video. Personally, I think the whole invasion scenario is unlikely. Given the technological and evolutionary gap between us and a race with advanced interstellar capability, I think it's more likely that instead of an invasion they'd be so far ahead of us that if they wanted to lay claim to our world, they've probably already done it and we're just not aware of it.
There remains an as yet unexplained leap in human brain development that in evolutionary time is like evolving a biological supercomputer processor overnight.

Do paleoanthropologists see a need to invoke aliens? Homo sapiens had a number of predecessors--Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus--which show a gradual increase in brain size, and we just climaxed the trend. (At least, that seems most parsimonious to me.) And I don't think the leap is something unique or new in evolutionary history. T. rex represented quite a leap in jaw power relative even to temporally close predecessors like A. sarcophagus and T. bataar. I never heard of a suggestion that ETs caused that.;) (Don't get me wrong; I'm all for the ETH but we should be very cautious about invoking aliens when other, natural explanations suffice.)

Maybe it was just a "spontaneous mutation" based on some quasi-dormant biochemical predisposition.

Our ancestors were competing with other hominids and larger brains were selected for as they proved more advantageous than brawn--contrary to the usual outcome in evolution.
Do paleoanthropologists see a need to invoke aliens? Homo sapiens had a number of predecessors--Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus--which show a gradual increase in brain size, and we just climaxed the trend. (At least, that seems most parsimonious to me.) And I don't think the leap is something unique or new in evolutionary history. T. rex represented quite a leap in jaw power relative even to temporally close predecessors like A. sarcophagus and T. bataar. I never heard of a suggestion that ETs caused that.;) (Don't get me wrong; I'm all for the ETH but we should be very cautious about invoking aliens when other, natural explanations suffice.) Our ancestors were competing with other hominids and larger brains were selected for as they proved more advantageous than brawn--contrary to the usual outcome in evolution.

Paleoanthropologists don't "invoke" ... they investigate, and what they've found is exactly what I've been saying. There is an unexplained sudden development ( in evolutionary time ) in human brain capacity that gave rise to our higher level thinking. It's also only after these developments that we begin to find the first evidence of creation mythology. If you don't believe me then look it up for yourself. It's not hard to find. Here's a couple of quotes:
  • "In less than 4 million years, a relatively short time in evolutionary terms, the hominid brain thus grew to three times the size it had achieved in 60 million years of primate evolution." SOURCE
  • Robin Dunbar argues that the critical event in the evolution of the neocortex took place at the speciation of archaic homo sapiens about 500,000 years ago. His study indicates that only after the speciation event is the neocortex large enough to process complex social phenomena such as language and religion. The study is based on a regression analysis of neocortex size plotted against a number of social behaviors of living and extinct hominids. SOURCE
Furthermore when I looked deeper into several different articles and start cross referencing the time spans I found that the most significant developments took place during a 260,000 year span ( roughly ) and that the last increase was as recent as 50,000 years ago, but nobody is sure exactly when these increases happened because there are aren't enough remains to show all the small steps. In addition to that, size isn't the only factor. What we're dealing with here is a piece of biological neuro-processing that is far more complex than any other part of our body, any other animal's, and any PC chip made so far; yet it came into existence by a process that does not fit the standard evolutionary model, ( unless you bolt on "spontaneous mutation" or "punctuated equilibrium" or other exceptions to the rule ) which in effect is the same as saying standard evolution doesn't really explain it.

Lastly I'm not "invoking aliens" ( The Ancient Alien Hypothesis ) as an explanation. Plenty of other people have already done that. What I'm saying is that if we look at the AAH and ask if there is any circumstantial evidence to support it, IMO megalithic structures aren't sufficient, however IMO scientific research into this evolutionary anomaly might yet yield some clues. All this being said, there may have been some discoveries that I'm not aware of since I last looked into this that give us sufficient cause to strike the AAH off our list of possibilities. So if you find something to shed more light on this, please post it up.
IMO megalithic structures aren't sufficient,

Far from it--I wouldn't associate crudely hewn rocks with sophisticated space visitors.

however IMO scientific research into this evolutionary anomaly might yet yield some clues. All this being said, there may have been some discoveries that I'm not aware of since I last looked into this that give us sufficient cause to strike the AAH off our list of possibilities.

Even a relatively brief period in evolutionary terms--500,000 years or 260,000--seems quite a lot if the key agency were ETs with advanced genetic engineering capability. You'd think they could've achieved the end result "overnight" without any intermediates or archaic leftovers like H. s. neanderthalensis.
Even a relatively brief period in evolutionary terms--500,000 years or 260,000--seems quite a lot if the key agency were ETs with advanced genetic engineering capability. You'd think they could've achieved the end result "overnight" without any intermediates or archaic leftovers like H. s. neanderthalensis.

I share your opinion on the above. The thing is, although we know it did happen overnight in evolutionary time, we can't say with certainty that it took place over the course of a single generation. If we could then we could say that intervention is a near certainty. Unfortunately, as mentioned in my previous post, the resolution we have is based on fossils, and we don't have sufficient numbers to quantify jumps in single generations ( yet ). So on the flip side we also can't say for sure it didn't happen suddenly either. All we know with certainty is that the jumps took place, and the more evidence we find, the more it suggests that they took place suddenly, then set in until the next sudden jump, and that leaves the door open on the possibility of genetic manipulation. Does this mean I'm making a claim that alien intervention is a fact? No. But it does mean I'm making a claim that given the information at hand, it can't be ruled out either.
All we know with certainty is that the jumps took place, and the more evidence we find, the more it suggests that they took place suddenly, then set in until the next sudden jump, and that leaves the door open on the possibility of genetic manipulation. Does this mean I'm making a claim that alien intervention is a fact? No. But it does mean I'm making a claim that given the information at hand, it can't be ruled out either.

From what I've read of evolutionary history, jumps are common; there are many examples of traits becoming hypertrophied or far developed, rather abruptly, because of strong selective pressures: the teeth of Kaprosuchus, the jaws of T. rex, the crest of L. magnicristatus, the "sail" of Spinosaurus etc. We may not be able to rule out ET intervention in the development of human brains. But given so many instances of "jumps" throughout evolutionary history, a natural evolutionary process seems most parsimonious.
I'm not convinced if disclosure was a term coined to sell a book or if there really is something in the works behind the scenes.

I think that if Disclosure is being planned it is more like the Matrix
gaining a bigger foothold than anything else. Disclosure is likely the opposite of anything being disclosed. I know some here will dispute that view and that's ok. Like a well crafted pyramid scheme I think it will look wonderful until it's too late.

Anything that takes this long to prepare has to be suspect IMO. Looks more like staging and I don't care for anything staged.