Again i cant vouch for these reports
Roswell: Autopsy Reports
But i can speculate based on whats in them
The eyes, i remember a japanese car company automating their assembly line.
The biggest impact on the profit margin wasnt replacing wage earning humans with robots.
It was the robots ability to work in the dark, the cost of lighting the 4 acre factory was where the money was.
It makes sense to engineer your bioform to see in low light, an fact they may even provide their own lighting
The Shining Ones appear in many myths and cultures by different names and descriptions, but always as gods or creational forces of light. They are generally described as tall ethereal beings. They are in truth
Many abductees report a "glow" coming off ET's
Combine that with light sensitive eyes and you dont need to light the ship, Lazars sports model also is reported to have an upper section that can become transparent.
combine this with light sensitive eyes and the crew could see by starlight.
The second cadaver hints at this
The body was opened from crotch to chin. A green liquid emerged from the incision. The skin was not backed by fascia, and the bone structure appeared to be a cartilaginous substance of light green-blue color.
Internal organs were observed but their function was unclear. The thoracic and peritoneal cavities communicated and there appeared to be no respiratory system and no stomach. The esophagus was vestigial and dissipated before reaching another organ.
There appeared to be two multi-chambered hearts and it was surmised that body fluid could be pumped rapidly. There was an extensive circulatory system that involved three different types of vein. Some material was extracted from one of these systems and suggested possible waste, leading to the notion that waste mayhave been exuded through the skin.
The fluid removed from the body was analyzed under the microscope and found to be a vegetable substance, chlorophyll-based. It is possible that photosynthesis was the means of obtaining energy.
The cranium was dissected and it was observed that a ridge of cartilage separated the brain into two completely isolated components. The brain was severely deteriorated, but appeared to be extensively fissured and divided into numerous lobes. Because of the deterioration the degree of bilateralism of the two halves could not be determined with any accuracy.
This cadaver exuded an unusually foul odor.
3. Conclusion
This is not a cadaver of a kind previously observed by or known to this pathologist. It appears to be a form of creature utilizing elements of both the animal and vegetable.
It is possible that photosynthesis was the means of obtaining energy.
Again if you are purpose building a biovessel for a space environment this makes perfect sense, we build solar powered cars..... why not a optimise a biovessel to do the same