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Courageous Woman Slays Man-Eating Fawn

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Paranormal Maven
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Taser her.
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I saw this today and it totally turned my stomach.

You posted it here and now my stomach is in knots again and I'm just plain pissed off.

That has got to be the most worthless piece of trash that has ever walked the planet, that dumb, stupid, mindless, heartless bitch.

I actually want this lady to physically suffer pain, for long periods of time, and scream and writhe in agony. It would give me pleasure.
I’m a fully grown man, probable 4 times her weight, if she walks on my lawn can I beat her to death with a shovel?
If she gets away with it then apparently I can to.:frown: What a evil old hag.
His eyes were locked with her eyes. Her fear of having her head bitten off may have been legitimate if she has seen this commercial.

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