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Crop Circle Question...

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Paranormal Novice
Can anybody explain the reason why crop circles do not cross field boundaries? Of all of the photographs of which I have seen, I haven't found one that shows a crop circle extending across two or more fields...
Why do you think this is? Surely an intelligent entity could achieve this, and surely it would make their message stand out more? Any ideas???
Can anybody explain the reason why crop circles do not cross field boundaries? Of all of the photographs of which I have seen, I haven't found one that shows a crop circle extending across two or more fields...
Why do you think this is? Surely an intelligent entity could achieve this, and surely it would make their message stand out more? Any ideas???
Although rare, I seem to remember one or two that did cross over onto the next field... does anybody else remember this?
That one has been claimed by an artist whose name I've forgotten {might be Witherspoon} and, as I recall, others working with him also so testified.

Re @flipper 's question, yes there have been several crop circles that crossed over roads and also the boundaries of adjacent fields. One of these is one of my favorite crop circles and if I can find a link to it I'll post it.

Re formations as immense as the one @Stan Pietrowicz cited, I've at times generated mental requests into the atmosphere and beyond for whoever has produced the most daunting crop circles to just lay down a geometrically intricate one over the whole Valley of Pewsey say, in one night, to shut Matt Williams and the other human tricksters up.

UPDATE: Here is a series of photographs of the crop circle I mentioned. It appeared at Martinsell Hill in July of 2009, and in fact it does not cross over the field boundary but disappears at the boundary, like a galaxy crossing over from one dimension to another {if that were possible}.

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Thanks for the reply, these photos still only show the circles stopping at the boundaries. The first picture actually shows that really clearly, the circle at the end of the spiral arm is actually dissected where it meets the edge of the field/border.

I want to see a photo where the circle goes across a hedge/road/etc.. The ones in these photos look as though the farmer has driven his tractor across them, leaving rutt marks in the wheat...

I still cannot find one.
"Daily Mail" - First crop circle of the year appears overnight in Dorset wheat field sparking new interest in who or what has made it By HARRIET HERNANDO | 07-46 EST, 14 July 2014 - UPDATED- 10-36 EST, 14 July 2014

"Intricate design is the first one of the year and has emerged in a field near Blandford Forum in Dorset The number of crop circles appearing in Britain is declining: 2012 produced 50 while 2013 produced just 15
Some believe this is because of a recent crackdown by farmers as trespass and destruction of crops is illegal - Sceptics believe crop circles are entirely man-made, while others believe they are the creation of aliens..."
Thanks for the reply, these photos still only show the circles stopping at the boundaries. The first picture actually shows that really clearly, the circle at the end of the spiral arm is actually dissected where it meets the edge of the field/border.

I want to see a photo where the circle goes across a hedge/road/etc.. The ones in these photos look as though the farmer has driven his tractor across them, leaving rutt marks in the wheat...

I still cannot find one.
And you never will. Humans have not yet developed the 'advanced technology' required to make their artwork look good across different ground based canvases. That's why all the hip crop circle artists are now making their patterns in the sand.

But if you want to see real 'alien' patterning at work you'll need to go underwater:
Yes. :) I wonder if any crop circle researchers have analyzed the geometry expressed in these fishes' nesting constructions for duplications of or similarities with the aspects of 'sacred geometry' that have recurred in the crop circles. Interestingly, phi was discovered at the quantum level by physicists at Oxford and the Helmholtz Institute two or three years ago.